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News ReleasesNews Release 2023

Supporting the Government to Reduce Stunting Rates, Apical Together with the Cilincing Health Center Holds Posyandu Cadre Training & Socialization of the Stunting Intervention Program

By July 3, 2023July 12th, 2023No Comments

Cilincing, Jakarta Utara, 3 July 2023 – Apical Group, one of the leading vegetable oil processors through its business unit, PT Asianagro Agungjaya (PT AAJ) together with the Cilincing Health Center today held an activity of “Training for Posyandu Cadres and Socializiation of the Stunting Intervention Program”, located at the Cilincing Village Office, North Jakarta, as an effort to increasing the capacity of Posyandu cadres in terms of stunting prevention.

In the activity which starts at 08.30 WIB, around 62 Posyandu cadres are given presentations by Doctors and Nutritionists and Environmental Health Experts regarding toddler health, giving material on clean and healthy lifestyles (PHBS), and the importance of giving supplementary food (PMT) to toddlers .

Yudhi Damri, Manager of SSL & GA Apical Marunda said that this activity is a manifestation of the company’s commitment based on the 5Cs business philosophy, which is good for the community, therefore Apical always supports the Government’s efforts to prevent stunting.

“This activity is an ongoing activity in collaboration with the Cilincing Health Center. We are committed to always supporting the Government’s efforts to achieve the target of reducing the stunting rate. Previously, at the beginning of 2023, we also collaborated on stunting prevention activities and stunting prevention counseling for cadres. Of course, we will always support this program on an ongoing basis, “added Yudhi

The Head of the Cilincing District Health Center, North Jakarta, Dr. Raden Achmad Sigit Mustika Adi, said that he really appreciates Apical’s steps in continuing to be committed in terms of stunting prevention. “Treatment and prevention of stunting is one of the national priorities. We hope that through the training facilitated by Apical through PT AAJ, it can be useful and become a platform for Posyandu cadres to increase their knowledge about stunting,” Dr. Raden added.

Secara berkelanjutan, kegiatan pencegahan stunting ini tidak hanya dilakukan di Cilincing, namun juga dilakukan Apical di unit bisnis lainnya, seperti di Dumai, Riau, berupa penyuluhan gizi seimbang serta pemberian makanan bergizi bagi para ibu hamil, di Padang berupa pemberian makanan bergizi, serta di Balikpapan melalui kesepakatan bersama dengan DP3AKB untuk pengembangan SDM dalam rangka pencegahan dan penurunan angka stunting pada bayi dua tahun (baduta).

On an ongoing basis, this stunting prevention activity is not only conducted in Cilincing, but also carried out by Apical in other business units, such as in Dumai, Riau, they conducted a counseling on balanced nutrition and providing nutritious food for pregnant women, in Padang, Apical has been nutritious food, as well as in Balikpapan through a joint agreement with DP3AKB for human resource development in the context of preventing and reducing stunting rates in two-year-old babies.


About Apical

Apical is a leading vegetable oil processor with an expanding global footprint. Our vertically integrated mid-stream refining and value-added downstream processing makes us an integral supplier that supports the needs of various industries namely food, feed, oleochemicals and renewable fuel, including sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) which enables a great reduction of CO2 emissions.

With integrated assets in strategic locations spanning Indonesia, China and Spain, Apical operates numerous refineries, oleochemical plants, renewable fuel plants and kernel crushing plants. Through joint ventures and strategic partnerships, Apical also has processing and distribution operations in Brazil, India, Pakistan, Philippines, Middle East, Africa, USA and Vietnam.

Apical’s growth is built on the foundations of sustainability and transparency, and motivated by our strong belief that we can contribute to a circular economy for a more meaningful impact, even as we continue to grow our business and deliver innovative solutions to our customers.

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Corporate Communications, Apical Group