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Apical, IDH and Aceh Singkil District Government Celebrate Key Milestones for Aceh Singkil’s Independent Smallholders

By August 21, 2024September 6th, 2024No Comments

Aceh Singkil, 21 August 2024 — Apical, a leading global vegetable oil processor, in collboration with Yayasan Inisiatif Dagang Hijau (IDH) and Muspida Aceh Singkil, awarded Cultivation Registration Certificates (STDB) to 160 independent smallholders and celebrated the inaugural harvest of Trigona honey at the Danau Paris District Head Office in Aceh Singkil today. These achievements are significant milestones of the Sustainable Living Village (SLV) programme, a stakeholder-inclusive initiative that nurtures sustainable livelihood models through collaboration with partners, communities and villagers.

Sugiantoro, Apical’s CSR Manager, stated, “The SLV programme demonstrates our commitment to the regional government’s drive for sustainable palm oil production. By providing training to smallholders on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and supporting STDB certification, we are accelerating the Ministry of Agriculture’s agenda for a more inclusive supply chain while enabling smallholders to access a range of government resources, including seed distribution, replanting initiatives, marketing support and funding. This is a crucial step for them to obtain Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) and Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certifications.”

Chairman of Yayasan Inisiatif Dagang Hijau, IDH Country Director, Nassat Idris, added, “Public and private partnership is the core essence in achieving the District’s vision on Production, Protection, and Inclusion (PPI compact). The SLV programme as a flagship programme under PPI compacts co-funded between IDH and Apical has been achieving progress in establishing a scalable sustainable livelihood model in the border of the protection area. Following this, we will promote the scalability of the SLV model to a bigger landscape by aligning the lesson learned into implementation of the Aceh Province’s Sustainable Palm Oil Roadmap”.

Smallholders from the six villages of Biskang, Sikoran, Suka Jaya, Kuala Baru Sungai, Teluk Rumbia, and Napagaluh also celebrated the inaugural harvest of Trigona honey at the same event. Trigona honey bee cultivation was introduced as part of the SLV programme to provide smallholders with alternative, sustainable livelihoods and diversify farming opportunities to enhance the welfare of local communities.

Faisal, the Second Assistant of Economic Affairs from the office of the Acting Regent in Aceh Singkil, praised Apical and IDH for their contributions. “We extend our appreciation to Apical, IDH, and all stakeholders involved for their visionary efforts in empowering the people of Aceh Singkil. The SLV programme exemplifies our collective commitment to enhancing community well-being and advancing environmental sustainability,” he stated.

Syafii Rambe, a Trigona honey farmer from the Biskang Village, said, “The comprehensive training in cultivating, harvesting and marketing for Trigona honey has provided us with invaluable skills. We are grateful for this initiative, which will boost our village’s economy.”

Launched in February 2023 in Aceh Singkil, the SLV Programme encompasses four key initiatives: enhancing livelihoods, protecting forests, driving supply chain transformation and supporting landscape collaboration through the Production, Protection, and Inclusion (PPI) Compact. Tailored initiatives are developed to meet the needs of communities, with the goal of building capacity and empowering local populations in partnership with organisations such as Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari (YEL) and Forum Konservasi Leuser (FKL).

About Apical

Apical is a leading vegetable oil processor with an expanding global footprint. Our vertically integrated mid-stream refining and value-added downstream processing makes us an integral supplier that supports the needs of various industries namely food, feed, oleochemicals and renewable fuel, including sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) which enables a great reduction of CO2 emissions.

With integrated assets in strategic locations spanning Indonesia, China and Spain, Apical operates numerous refineries, oleochemical plants, renewable fuel plants and kernel crushing plants. Through joint ventures and strategic partnerships, Apical also has processing and distribution operations in Brazil, India, Pakistan, Philippines, Middle East, Africa, USA and Vietnam.

Apical’s growth is built on the foundations of sustainability and transparency, and motivated by our strong belief that we can contribute to a circular economy for a more meaningful impact, even as we continue to grow our business and deliver innovative solutions to our customers.

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Corporate Communications, Apical Group