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Increase The Reading Interest, Apical Hands Over the Reading Corner to Elementary School in Marunda

By June 19, 2023July 12th, 2023No Comments

Jakarta, 19 June 2023 –  Apical Group, one of the leading global vegetable oil processing companies, through PT Asianagro Agungjaya (PT AAJ), in collaboration with the Tanoto Foundation (TF), an independent philanthropic organization in the field of education, hand over a Reading Corner to SDN 02 Marunda, Cilincing District, North Jakarta, today.

The handover of the Reading Corner including the bookshelves and more than 200 reading books is handed over directly by Yudhi Damri, Manager of SSL & GA Apical Marunda and Margaretha Ari Widowati, Director of Basic Education of Tanoto Foundation, to the Head of the Cilincing District Education Implementation Unit,  Sujaelani, accompanied by the Principal of SDN Marunda 02 Pagi, Nining Suryaningsih.

This activity is one of of commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the field of education for schools and communities in areas around the company’s operations.

According to Yudhi Damri, Manager of SSL & GA Apical, this activity is also support for the Government’s program through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) which is “Quality Reading Books for Indonesian Literacy”.

“We are committed to supporting the Government’s program in the field of quality reading books for Indonesian literacy, as an effort to provide quality reading materials and to encourage the growth of a interest of reading among students from an early age,” added Yudhi.

Margaretha Ari Widowati, Director of Basic Education Tanoto Foundation explains that the most influences students’ literacy and numeracy abilities is the quality of teaching by teachers in schools. “Therefore, the Tanoto Foundation provides training to the teachers of SDN 02 Marunda through a module prepared by the Tanoto Foundation to improve the quality of teachers. We hope that the training and Reading Corner can improve students’ literacy and numeracy skills,” said Margaretha.

The Head of the Cilincing District Education Implementation Unit, Sujaelani, positively welcomed the handover of the Reading Corner from Apical and support for improving literacy and numeracy from the Tanoto Foundation.

Sujaelani said, “As we know, the literacy rate of children in Indonesia is very low due to low reading habits. One of the reasons is due to the lack or unavailability of interesting reading books, therefore we really appreciate the assistance provided by Apical and the Tanoto Foundation who have provided a Reading Corner facility. Through this collaboration, we hope to be able to build a culture of love of reading to enrich learning experiences and unlimited knowledge for students,” added Sujaelani.

On a separate occasion, in May 2023, Apical Dumai also handed over 200 reading books and Reading Corners to students of the State Islamic Elementary School in Lubuk Gaung Village, Sungai Sembilan District, Dumai City to foster children’s interest in reading by developing regular scheduled reading activities.

Apical will gradually provide Reading Corner facilities in schools or communities around to the company’s operational areas in order to support the Government’s program to improve the quality of education, especially improving quality in the field of literacy to assisted schools in the vicinity of the company’s operational areas.


About Apical

Apical is a leading vegetable oil processor with an expanding global footprint. Our vertically integrated mid-stream refining and value-added downstream processing makes us an integral supplier that supports the needs of various industries namely food, feed, oleochemicals and renewable fuel, including sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) which enables a great reduction of CO2 emissions.

With integrated assets in strategic locations spanning Indonesia, China and Spain, Apical operates numerous refineries, oleochemical plants, renewable fuel plants and kernel crushing plants. Through joint ventures and strategic partnerships, Apical also has processing and distribution operations in Brazil, India, Pakistan, Philippines, Middle East, Africa, USA and Vietnam.

Apical’s growth is built on the foundations of sustainability and transparency, and motivated by our strong belief that we can contribute to a circular economy for a more meaningful impact, even as we continue to grow our business and deliver innovative solutions to our customers.

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