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PT Sari Dumai Sejati


On 25th September 2023, Apical received a notification from RSPO regarding a complaint from an individual based in Lubuk Gaung. The allegations were related to noise and air pollution at the SDS plant located in Dumai, Sumatra.


October 2023

Apical investigated the allegations of the complainant. Our regular scheduled noise and air quality assessments conducted at the SDS plant is in compliance to legal and regulatory environmental requirements set by Indonesian authorities.

Apical has provided its first official response to RSPO on the allegations.

January 2024

Apical also provided its second response to RSPO in a timely manner with further supporting evidence that reaffirms our findings on the allegations.

Apical awaits further communication from RSPO and the complainant on this matter.

March 2024

Apical provided its third response to RSPO with further evidence and clarification to support the claims towards the allegations raised.

May 2024

Apical awaits a decision by the Complaints Panel on this matter.