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Apical is a leading vegetable oil processor with an expanding global footprint. Our vertically integrated mid-stream refining and value-added downstream processing makes us an integral supplier   WORLD RENOWNED FACILITIES  FULLY INTEGRATED BUSINESS
 that supports the needs of various industries namely food, feed, oleochemicals and renewable fuel, including sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) which enables a great reduction of CO  emissions.
 With integrated assets in strategic locations spanning Indonesia, China and Spain, Apical operates numerous refineries, oleochemical plants, renewable fuel plants and kernel crushing plants.              MEETING RISING DEMANDS FOR VALUE-ADDED PRODUCT DIVERSIFICATION
 Through joint ventures and strategic partnerships, Apical also has processing and distribution operations in Brazil, India, Pakistan, Philippines, Middle East, Africa, USA and Vietnam.                    Through our fully integrated and highly efficient operations, we are serving the growing market demands for value-added downstream products.

 Apical’s growth is built on the foundations of sustainability and transparency, and motivated by our strong belief that we can contribute to a circular economy for a more meaningful impact,
 even as we continue to grow our business and deliver innovative solutions to our customers.

 GLOBAL REACH                                                                                     2023                                                                         WORLD’S
                                                                                                                                                                               LARGEST PALM

                                                                                        TOTAL REFINING CAPACITY                                                                & LAURICS

 Apical is the second largest vegetable oil processor with a 15% global market share and a growing   With an extensive distribution network worldwide, we are able   11.5M MT

 customer  base  in  over  60  countries.  We  own  three  of  the  top  10  largest  refineries  in  Indonesia,   to add value at every step of our downstream processing and
 enabling significant economies of scale.   achieve synergy across our business. Our strategically located                             Kutai Refinery Nusantara (Balikpapan, Indonesia)                                       BULK OILS                          FUNCTIONAL & SPECIALTY FATS                                        OLEOCHEMICALS
                     facilities allow us to be close to suppliers and consumers.
                                                                                                                                       With  a  capacity  of  4.0M  mt  p.a.,  our  KRN  facility  serves  our    Our well established bulk oil business focuses on   Our sustainable vegetable oils, including its derivatives, are   Present in many everyday products, oleochemical is increasingly
                                                                                                                                       growing market share in China, North Asia and the Americas.                the selling of refined palm oil, palm olein, palm   suitable for various applications. It improves functionality and   gaining traction as consumers and brands opt for sustainable,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   stearin, palm kernel oil and palm kernel olein
 APICAL’S STRATEGICALLY LOCATED   1. Asianagro Agungjaya Tj Balai  |  95K tons p.a.  7. Asianagro Agungjaya  |  839K tons p.a.         Its  scale,  strategic  location,  integrated  infrastructure,  highly     among others, with a total capacity of 10.6M mt.   ensures superior quality for Bakery, Chocolate & Confectionary,   natural and eco-friendly alternatives.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Convenience Food and Culinary among others.
 • Refined Palm/Laurics Products
 FACILITIES  2. Sari Dumai Oleo (SDS2)  | 1.8M tons p.a.  • Refined Palm/Laurics Products  GLOBALLY DIVERSIFIED & HIGH QUALITY CUSTOMER BASE  efficient operations and private port enables active trade flow.                                                                                                          With our wide range of fatty acids, refined glycerine and soap
 • Functional & Specialty Fats
 • Animal Nutrition                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            As food preferences continue to evolve, Apical has a wide range   noodles, we have the right starting materials for personal care
 • Refined Palm/Laurics Products                                                                                                       KRN is a multi-product processing facility for palm and laurics                                                        of products to suit your requirements. The team at our Innovation   items, cleaning detergents, cosmetics, engine lubricants,
 • Renewable Fuel  8. Cleveland Refinery  |  120K tons p.a.                                                                                                                                                                                                         Centre is ready to create your next tasty success.             PVC materials and many others.
 • Functional & Specialty Fats  • Refined Palm/Laurics Products                                                                        oils, fatty acids, renewable fuel and kernel crushing.                                                                    They are able to support you with the right technical and
 • Oleochemicals  9. Bio-Oils Refinery  |  374K tons p.a.
 • Animal Nutrition  • Renewable Fuel                                                                                                                                                                                                                             application advice, problem solving, product innovation,
 3. Sari Dumai Sejati  |  3.5M tons p.a.  • Refined Palm/Laurics Products                                                                                                                                                                                                customisation and co-development.
 • Refined Palm/Laurics Products  10. Excelic Nanjing Refinery  |  204K tons p.a.        China
 • Kernel Crushing  • Refined Palm/Laurics Products                           Middle
 • Renewable Fuel  • Functional & Specialty Fats  North   Latin   Europe                     Malaysia
 • Oleochemicals  11. Taixing Oleo Plant  |   485K tons p.a.  America  America  East
 1  4. Padang Raya Cakrawala  |  1.2M tons p.a.  • Oleochemicals  Africa                       Vietnam
 2  • Refined Palm/Laurics Products
 3  • Renewable Fuel  12. Karachi Tanks                                                           Philippines
 5. Sari Dumai Oleo (Marunda)  |  180K tons p.a.  • Refined Palm/Laurics Products
 4  6  13. Krishnapatnam Refinery  |  350K tons p.a.
 • Oleochemicals
 6. Kutai Refinery Nusantara  |  4.0M tons p.a.   • Refined Palm/Laurics Products                  Indonesia                           SECOND
 • Soft Oils
 • Refined Palm/Laurics Products  • Functional & Specialty Fats
 • Renewable Fuel  • Oleochemicals                                                                                                     LARGEST
 • Kernel Crushing
 • Oleochemicals                                                                                                                       PALM & LAURICS
 7                                                                                                                                     REFINERY
 INDONESIA                                                                                                                                                                                                              ANIMAL NUTRITION                         RENEWABLE FUEL & SAF                                        CIRCULAR ECONOMY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 As the world increasingly opts for greener
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Feed fats are essential to animal nutrition.
                                                                              SOUTH                                                    Sari Dumai Sejati (Dumai, Indonesia)                                       The quantity of oil and fat that should be used in   alternatives, our Renewable Fuel is used to power   At the heart of Apical’s Circular Economy is Sustainability and Traceability from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the Point of Origin, allowing renewable fuel production with Green House Gas
                                                                               ASIA                                                                                                                               animal diets differ according to the species and   transportations around the world while fuelling the         savings of more than 80%.
                                                                                                                                       With a capacity of 3.5M mt p.a., SDS is our flagship multi-product                   their digestive systems.                      modern economies.
 12  PAKISTAN                                                                                      SOUTHEAST                           processing facility with its own private port. With its scale and                                                                                                     This is what the world needs – a sustainable approach to carbon footprint
 8  11                                                                                                                                                                                                               Our well formulated animal nutrition range   With our entry into the Sustainable Aviation Fuel   reduction supported with well-documented and fully audited traceability data.
                                                                                                       ASIA                            strategic location, SDS solidifies our market position in Southeast             for ruminants, swine, poultry and others   (SAF) market with our JV partner CEPSA, we   In ensuring we contribute positively to a cleaner and more sustainable
 USA  9  SPAIN  10  CHINA  INDIA  13                                                                                                   Asia, Europe and the Middle East.                                                are made from sustainably sourced fatty   are set to construct the largest biofuels plant in   environment, we convert wastes from CPO (Crude Palm Oil) Mills,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Southern Europe.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         acids.These nutrients are formulated to
                                                                                                                                       PT  Apical  Kao  Chemicals,  our  first  JV  partnership  with                      boost energy, milk yields and ensure                                               Palm Oil Refineries, and Used Cooking Oil to Renewable Fuel.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The conversion of these wastes is done at Bio-Oils,
                                                                                                                                       Kao  Corporation  is  also  situated  within  this  facility.  Featuring  an                consistent productivity.                                                     Apical’s Renewable Fuel refinery in Huelva, Spain.
                                                                                                                                       exclusive oleochemical processing facility, PT Apical Kao Chemicals
                                                                                                                                       was formed to meet the growing demands for high quality Japanese
                                                                                                                                       consumables in Southeast Asia.
 Refineries  Tanks  Corporate Office  Customer Base
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