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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          GRI Standard     GRI         GRI Disclosure Title  Section References/    Page
                           Disclosure                        Reasons for Omission
          GRI 2: General   2-8         Workers who are not   Not applicable as Apical
          Disclosures 2021             employees             does not have workers who
          (continued)                                        are not employees
                           2-9         Governance structure and   Our Approach to   34-35
                                       composition           Sustainability – Sustainability
                                                             2-9c: We do not report as
                                                             we are not a public-listed
                           2-10        Nomination and selection of   We do not report as we are
                                       the highest governance body  not a public-listed company
                           2-11        Chair of the highest   Our Approach to       34-35
                                       governance body       Sustainability – Sustainability
                                                             2-11b: We do not report as
                                                             we are not a public-listed
                           2-12        Role of the highest   Our Approach to        34-35
                                       governance body in    Sustainability – Sustainability
                                       overseeing the management   Governance
                                       of impacts            Materiality Assessment and   137-141
                                                             Stakeholder Engagement –
                                                             Stakeholder Engagement
                           2-13        Delegation of responsibility   Our Approach to   34-35
                                       for managing impacts  Sustainability – Sustainability
                                                             Climate Action – Managing   72-73
                                                             our Environmental Footprint
                           2-14        Role of the highest   Our Approach to        34-35
                                       governance body in    Sustainability – Sustainability
                                       sustainability reporting  Governance
                           2-15        Conflicts of interest  We do not report as we are
                                                             not a publicly listed company
                           2-16        Communication of critical   Our Approach to   37-40
                                       concerns              Sustainability – Feedback
                                                             Channels for Stakeholders

 142  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                               APICAL GROUP  143
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