Page 139 - APICAL_SR2023
P. 139

                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          Stakeholder   Engagement Method &    Topics & Concerns   Apical’s Response
          Groups      Frequency                Raised
          Industry    •  One-on-one meetings   •  Opportunities for   •  Participated in RSPO, ISPO and
          groups, trade   (regularly)           collaboration on     ISCC certification updates and
          associations   •  Multi-stakeholder forums   landscape level   new requirements
          and           and events (regularly)   initiatives       •  RSPO Membership since 12
          certification   •  Sustainability Report   •  Palm oil certification  August 2011 and Participation in
                                                                     RSPO Annual Roundtable event
          bodies        (annually)             •  Traceability verification
                                                                     as a voting member
                      •  Survey (periodically)                     •  Active participation and
                      •  Apical Website (ad-hoc)
                                                                     contribution in the POCG under
                      •  Apical Sustainability
                                                                     several work streams such as
                        Dashboard (ad-hoc)                           AWG, PPBC WG, Social Issues
                      •  Materiality Assessment                      Working Group, Independent
                        (every 2-3 years)                            Verification Working Group since
                                                                   •  Participated as a speaker in the
                                                                     smallholder workshop during
                                                                     RSPO Round Table Conference

          Employees   •  Annual appraisals and PRP  •  Workplace Health and   •  Continued to communicate our
                      •  Townhall meetings (annually)  Safety procedures  Sustainability Policy to employees
                      •  Major festival celebrations   •  Training and   internally through presentations
                        (annually)              development        •  Provided training and career
                      •  HR training programmes   opportunities      development programmes as well
                        (ongoing)              •  Communication of   as recreational activities
                      •  Apical Website (ad-hoc)  polices and initiatives   •  Facilitated dialogues with labour
                      •  Apical Sustainability   in responsible palm oil  union representatives
                        Dashboard (ad-hoc)     •  Strategic direction of   •  Provision of health insurance and
                      •  Materiality Assessment   the business       retirement fund
                        (every 2-3 years)      •  Awareness of company  •  Conducted sharing session
                                                policies, including the   related to Science-based targets
                                                Code of Conduct and   and the NPC Impact Assessment
                                                TOPICC core values   Framework
                                                                   •  Conducted sharing session on
                                                                     TCFD/ISSB disclosures
                                                                   •  Awareness briefing on EUDR

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