Page 137 - APICAL_SR2023
P. 137

                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          Stakeholder Engagement
          GRI 2-29
          We work closely with different stakeholder groups to enable Apical to systematically identify, analyse, plan and
          implement our sustainability commitments. Our stakeholders are vital in ensuring the needs of key business
          partners, civil groups, NGOs, communities and our customers are met. Our method of stakeholder engagement
          emphasises inclusivity as we maintain to involve our stakeholders regularly on relevant topics. We value the
          feedback from our stakeholders as we believe their opinions are key to generating sustainable value that benefits
          everyone in the value chain.

          Below outlines our engagement with stakeholders in 2023:
          Stakeholder   Engagement Method &    Topics & Concerns   Apical’s Response
          Groups      Frequency                Raised
          Customers &   •  Conference calls (regularly)  •  Apical’s sustainability   •  Engaged with customers for
          Consumers   •  One-on-one communication   commitments,     Sustainability related questions
                        (regularly)             Apical2030, initiatives   and alignment of Apical towards
                      •  Sustainability Report   and progress to     Customer's sustainability
                        (annually)              achieve policy       framework. This includes but
                      •  Presentations and meetings   commitments    not limited to requests for
                        (ad-hoc)               •  Updates to traceability   traceability information, inquiries
                      •  Apical Website (ad-hoc)  and customer data   on grievance matters related to
                      •  Apical Sustainability   requirement         our supply chain and information
                        Dashboard (ad-hoc)     •  Grievances on Apical’s   on our sustainability activities
                      •  Survey (periodically)  operations and/or    such that customers have a
                      •  Materiality Assessment   suppliers          clearer understanding of our
                        (every 2-3 years)      •  Partnerships and   sustainability progress, challenges
                                                collaborations on    and targets
                                                joint community/   •  Supporting customer audit of
                                                conservation projects  refineries based on commercial
                                               •  Service improvements   requirements
                                                for customers      •  Meetings and discussions on
                                                                     EUDR alignment
                                                                   •  Involved with multi-stakeholder
                                                                     initiatives such as the POCG
                                                                     to collaborate on sustainability
                                                                     efforts and addressing challenges
                                                                   •  Apical’s product carbon footprint
                                                                   •  Conducted SMETA audit for
                                                                     PRC and AAJ Marunda in 2023.
                                                                     Scheduling to have SMETA audits
                                                                     for other refineries scheduled in

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