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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          Our Programme/Initiatives
          Employee-      Location           Description of Activity           Outcome
          related activity
          Training and   •  Dumai, Indonesia  Conducted safety awareness training,   1,254 people
          Awareness      •  Marunda, Indonesia  including oil spill mock drills, first aid, use   trained
                         •  Padang, Indonesia  of personal protective equipment (PPE),
                         •  Nanjing, China  general manufacturing practices (GMP)
                                            awareness, food/feed safety awareness
                         •  Taixing, China
                                            and machinery safety
          Fire Safety    •  Dumai, Indonesia  Provided basic knowledge on fire   1,422 people
          Management &   •  Balikpapan,     prevention, suppression and firefighting   trained
          Awareness       Indonesia         techniques
                         •  Tanjung Balai,
                         •  Padang, Indonesia
          Emergency      Dumai, Indonesia   Provided emergency preparedneess   86 people trained
          Drills                            training and drills for fire, oil spills and
                                            food poisoning
          Health talks &   •  Dumai, Indonesia  Improved knowledge about health   2,565 people
          training       •  Marunda, Indonesia  through in-house training or seminar   attended
                                            provided by public hospital. Morning
                                            exercise also been encouraged to all
          Competency     •  Dumai, Indonesia  Provided safety competency certification   35 people involved
          certification   •  Marunda, Indonesia  for operators and preparation for
                                            ISO14001:2015 and other aspect of
          Blood Donation  Dumai, Indonesia  Engaged employees in blood donations,   539 people
                                            in collaboration with the Indonesian Red   donated
                                            Cross (PMI)
          Environmental   Dumai, Indonesia  Planting Mangrove trees at Purnama   2,000 Mangrove
          Protection                        Beach                             trees planted
          Our Next Steps

          In 2024, we will continue to secure benefits and the health, safety, and well-being of our people as they are key
          to our successful business and smooth operations. We will continue to target zero fatalities, occupational illness
          and work-related injuries in the future, which entails regularly training our employees and reviewing our OHS
          framework to update our protocols and guidelines.

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