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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          Workers at Apical are free to report any work-related   Health Promotion
          hazards and hazardous situations. These issues will be
          investigated and resolved with no action taken against   Our occupational health and safety management
          the reporter. Additionally, workers have the right to   system extends to all employees, including contractors,
          "stop work" if they have any safety or health concerns   across our facilities. We address common work-related
          in their working environment.              health issues, offering access to healthcare services
                                                     through employee medical insurance. In Indonesia,
          We supply essential Personal Protective Equipment   employees  benefit  from  the  BPJS  Kesehatan
          (PPE), including helmets, safety goggles and full mask   Insurance Scheme, with similar medical coverage
          respirators, to reduce injury risks. Health and safety   available in Spain and China. All employees undergo
          updates are regularly communicated to our workforce   health screenings upon hiring and annually thereafter.
          via safety talks, bulletin boards and digital platforms
          like  WhatsApp.  Each  of  our  refinery  conducts  daily   Health  awareness  initiatives,  physical  activity
          safety patrols and inspections, empowering workers   encouragement  through  sports  centres,  health
          to halt operations if safety concerns arise.  campaigns and seminars on occupational health
                                                     are part of our effort to promote a healthy
          Health and Safety Committee                workforce. Additionally, we have hosted events to
                                                     bolster corporate culture and recognise employee
          All  our  refineries  has  a  Health  &  Safety  (H&S)   contributions, including breakfast days, gala dinners
          Committee to oversee our OHS management    and Health Day events with basic health check-ups.
          system. These committees, consisting of diverse
          operational unit representatives, meet monthly   This comprehensive approach underscores our
          to review workplace health and safety conditions,    commitment to ensuring a safe, healthy work
          gather employee feedback, and share the latest H&S   environment across all our operations, in line with local
          news.  Their  insights  help  refine  our  OHS  approach     and international standards. Measures to mitigate
          and employees are urged to report hazards to their   risks include proper PPE use, process improvements,
          H&S committee representatives. We ensure protection   routine maintenance, air quality monitoring and
          against retaliation for those reporting concerns, with   health risk assessments.
          strict disciplinary measures for any reprisals.

          Supplier and Contractor Engagement
          We mandate all suppliers and business partners to
          adhere  to  our  labour  and  safety  standards,  verified
          through a checklist before their initial site visit. This
          includes a safety induction and mandatory PPE
          provision for business partners upon entering our
          premises. Our engagement extends to ensuring
          suppliers meet our OHS criteria.

          11   Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Kesehatan or Indonesia’s National Social Security Agency for Health

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