Page 126 - APICAL_SR2023
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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews at the Group

          Employee Category                            Percentage of employees receiving regular
                                                     performance and career development reviews 10
          Gender                                        Male          Female         Total

          Total                                         93%            94%            93%
          Non-executive                                 93%            94%            93%
          Junior management                             94%           111%            98%
          Middle management                             101%           87%            97%
          Senior management                             83%            88%            84%

          Our Assessment Centre further supports career
          development, creating upskilling plans. Investment in   Promoting Excellent Talent Through Pacu
          employee  growth  continues  with  access  to Workday   Bakat
          Learning, offering a comprehensive platform for skill
          enhancement and course participation. We also provide   The Pacu Bakat Programme, launched in
          a  global  manager  training  programme  for  new  and   January 2022, acts as a panel evaluation
          upcoming managers, covering essential topics to equip   process. Its purpose is to identify talent
          them for success in their roles.                suitable for promotion opportunities across
                                                          all  refineries.  This  ongoing  programme
                                                          assesses  participants  according to their
                                                          targeted  level,  conducted  biannually  in
                                                          October and April. Currently, the focus is on
                                                          Assistant Manager and Manager positions.
                                                          Candidates who successfully complete the
                                                          assessment and project presentation embark
                                                          on a six-month acting period. Following this,
                                                          they are promoted if their performance is
                                                          satisfactory. The  programme  registered  33
                                                          participants in the 2023 cycle. Of these, 90%
                                                          successfully completed the programme and
                                                          received promotions. The remaining 10%
                                                          were advised to refine their presentations.

          10   The percentage is calculated by comparing the number of employees who received regular reviews with the total number of
           employees as of 31 December 2023. Some employees who received reviews but left the company before 31 December 2023 are
           included in the calculation. Thus, the percentage may exceed 100%.

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