Page 130 - APICAL_SR2023
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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          Health and Safety Performance
          Injury and Rate

                Year                2023                   2022                  2021 12
           Type of Workers  Employees  Contractors  Employees  Contractors  Employees  Contractors
          1) Recordable Work-Related Injuries
          Recordable: Work-Related Injuries
          Number                9          13         9          11          7           2

          Rate per 1 million   0.92       1.07       1.69        1.07       1.18       0.24
          hours worked
          2) Fatalities As A Result Of Work-Related Injuries
          Fatalities: Work-Related Injuries
          Number                0          1          0           1          1           4
          Rate per 1 million    0         0.08        0          0.10       0.17       0.48
          hours worked
          3) High-Consequences Work-Related Injuries (Excluding Fatalities)

          High-Consequences: Work-Related Injuries (excluding fatalities)
          Number                0          0          1           1          2           3
          Rate per 1 million    0          0         0.19        0.10       0.34       0.36
          hours worked
          4) Loss Day
          Loss Day: Work-Related Injuries
          Total Number of      45          53         176        106        N/A        N/A
          Loss Day 13
          5) Near Misses
          Total Number of           1,048                  331                    N/A
          Near Misses
          6) Total Number of   9,738,799  12,154,481  5,336,232  10,243,165  5,946,251  8,412,157
          Hours Worked

          12   N/A in 2021 means that the data were not disclosed in the Sustainability Report 2021
          13   The total lost day number is the total number of days of hospitalisation and rehabilitation

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