Page 131 - APICAL_SR2023
P. 131

                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          Ill Health and Rate

                Year                2023                   2022                  2021 12
           Type of Workers  Employees  Contractors  Employees  Contractors  Employees  Contractors
          1) Recordable Work-Related Ill Health
          Number                0          0          2           0         N/A        N/A
          Rate per 1 million    0          0         0.37         0         N/A        N/A
          hours worked
          2) Fatalities As A Result Of Work-Related Ill Health
          Number                0          0          0           0         N/A        N/A
          Rate per 1 million    0          0          0           0         N/A        N/A
          hours worked
          We regret to report that there was one fatality case involving our contractor due to a fall from height. We have
          implemented corrective actions to prevent a similar case from occurring. These actions include the installation
          of additional safety lines on each floor, strengthening the inspection of the proper use of Full Body Harnesses,
          providing extra safety personnel to monitor work at height, familiarising contractors with working at height SOP
          and familiarising them with our Occupational Safety and Health guidelines.
          We also observed an increase in near misses concurrent with the rise in working hours. Meanwhile, working hours
          in 2023 aligned to our local labour laws as most of our operations were fully operational compared to 2022,
          and this was further influenced by the inclusion of working hours from our new site in Taixing, China.

          12   N/A in 2021 means that the data were not disclosed in the Sustainability Report 2021

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