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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP


           Supply chain

           Responsible Procurement Practices
           Processes for sourcing external supplies, including supplier relationships and evaluation of suppliers’
           environmental and social practices. This would also include protocols on conducting supply chain risk
           Sustainable Agriculture
           Maintaining sustainable agriculture practices with regard to the company’s direct suppliers, contract animal
           producers and feed grain growers. This involves understanding the impact of agricultural operations on the
           environment and local communities, and making conscious efforts to mitigate potential negative impacts.
           This category also entails efforts to develop innovative technologies and products that mitigate and adapt to
           climate change.

           Labour Standards in the Supply Chain
           Efforts to eliminate of all forms of forced and compulsory labour, such as child labour and human trafficking;
           affirm  employees’  right  of  freedom  of  association  and  recognition  of  the  right  to  collective  bargaining;
           ensuring occupational health & safety of workers and the humane treatment of workers in the supply chain.
           Supply Chain Traceability and Transparency
           Traceability refers to a company’s ability to track the movement of products along its supply chain, while
           transparency refers to the disclosure of clear traceability information to consumers and stakeholders.
           Companies can leverage technological monitoring approaches (e.g. remote sensing, satellite imagery, etc.) to
           identify risk hotspots and achieve traceability and transparency.
           Supplier Diversity and Inclusiveness
           Efforts to diversify company procurement relationships and integrate traditionally underrepresented groups,
           such as women-owned businesses or local community businesses.

           Serving Smallholder Farmers
           Collaborative  efforts  to  overcome  challenges  and  effectively  serve  smallholder  farmers,  with  the  aim  of
           improving their livelihoods.

           Products and Services
           Product Quality and Safety
           Products should be safe for consumers and manufactured in a way that meets appropriate quality assurance
           standards, suitable certifications, and applicable regulations.

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