Page 124 - APICAL_SR2023
P. 124

                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          Employee Ethnicity Across Apical in 2023 (%)  Freedom of Association and Trade Union Membership
                                                 Our employees  are free to form or join  labour unions
                                                 to exercise their freedom of association and to bargain
                                                 collectively.  Our  Human  Rights  Policy  affirms  the
                                                 abovementioned commitment.
                                                 This is also a requirement of the Indonesian Law No. 21
                                                 of 2000 on Trade Union/Labour Union, in line with the
                                                 international requirement of the International Labour
                                                 Organisation's Convention No. 98, which requires the
                                                 respect  for  the  freedom  of  organisation  and  collective
                                                 bargaining  rights  of  employees.  As  of  2023,  51%  of  our
                                                 staff have participated in collective bargaining agreements.
                                                 Furthermore, our Human Resources department maintains
                                                 regular  communication with employees  and  their  union
                       Javanese   22%
                       Batak     14%
                                                 Child Labour
                       Chinese   14%
                       Minang    10%             As outlined in our Human Rights Policy and local
                       Han       10%             employment regulations, we have a strict ‘no child labour’
                                                 requirement in all our operations. All employees are at least
                       Malay      9%
                                                 18  years  old,  with  age  verification  required  upon  hiring.
                       Others    21%
                                                 We  ensure  our  suppliers  adhere  to  our  ‘no  child  labour’
                                                 policy  through  rigorous  engagement,  assessments  and
                                                 require strict adherence.

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