Page 120 - APICAL_SR2023
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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          Percentage of senior management  at significant locations of operations that are hired from local community
                                Total number of senior
          Locations of         management hired from    Total members of          Share
          Operation                                     senior management
                                 the local community
          Group Level                   86                    124                  69%
          Indonesia                     31                     48                  65%
          Malaysia                      23                     26                  88%
          China                         14                     14                  100%
          Singapore                     17                     35                  49%
          Spain                         1                      1                   100%

          Apical has proactively provided a range of valued benefits to our temporary and permanent employees. Our benefits
          programme undergoes an annual evaluation, with adjustments made as necessary. Our benefits encompass:

                 PARENTAL LEAVE                              MEDICAL INSURANCE
                 Permanent and temporary employees           Permanent and temporary employees

                 DENTAL AND OPTICAL CARE                     HOUSING ALLOWANCE
                 Permanent and temporary employees           Employee's contracted position in
                                                             Indonesia only
                 TRANSPORT ALLOWANCE
                 Permanent employees in Indonesia only       MEAL ALLOWANCE
                                                             Permanent and temporary employees
                 •  Permanent and temporary employees        ATTENDANCE RECOGNITION
                   that are non-expatriates, below the age   Permanent and temporary employees
                   of 60 in Malaysia
                 •  Permanent and temporary employees
                   that are non-expatriates in Singapore

          8   Senior management hired from the local community includes those individuals either born or who have the legal right to reside
           indefinitely (such as naturalised citizens or permanent visa holders) in the same geographic market as the operation. The geographical
           definition of ‘local’ can include the community surrounding operations, a region within a country, or a country.

          120  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                                                                                                                            APICAL GROUP  121
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