Page 115 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

            Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA)  countries’ legislations. Additionally, these audits
                                                     provide  credible  verification  of  human  rights
            In 2023, Apical began implementing SMETA across
                                                     compliance, responding  to  requests  from  key
            its refineries. SMETA represents a leading online
            platform offered by a membership organisation
            to aid companies in managing and improving   The SMETA audit encompasses 4 Pillars, covering
            working conditions within the global supply chain.  Labour Standards, Health and Safety, Environmental
                                                     Assessment (extended) and Business Ethics,
            The objectives of the SMETA audits include
                                                     conducted  by  certification  bodies  approved  by
            ensuring that all Apical facilities adhere to ethical
                                                     our customers. In 2023, our 2 refineries; PRC and
            labour  practices, safeguard workers’ rights,  and
                                                     AAJ Marunda, participated in the SMETA audits.
            promote fair treatment and working conditions
                                                     SDS and  SDO (M) completed  their  audits  in the
            for all employees in the supply chain, aligned to
                                                     first quarter of 2024. An additional seven refineries
            Apical’s Sustainability Policy and Human Rights
                                                     are scheduled for SMETA audits in 2024 and 2025.
            Policy, as well as complying with importing
          GRI 2-7, 401-1, 405-1
          By  the  end  of  2023,  Apical’s  workforce  globally,  including  our  offices,  refineries  and  other  plants  reached
          4,257 full-time employees. A significant portion of our staff, about 78%, holds permanent positions, while the
          remaining 22% are on temporary contracts. The majority of our permanent workforce, accounting for 82%, is
          based in Indonesia, reflecting the dominant location of our operational sites.
          Our workforce in 2023 increased by 26% compared to 2022, due to our business and production capacity
          expansion. Our employee turnover rate improved in 2023 to 4.8% as against to 23% in 2022.
          Apical does not employ part-time workers or employees, due to the nature of our business.

          Job categories in Apical in this report are disclosed as below:

          Employee      Non-executive  Junior       Middle         Senior        BoD
          Category                    Management    Management     Management
          Employee      a. Non staff   Superintendent/  Manager (M)  a. Senior   Board Member
          Designation   b. Supervisor/   Assistant                  Manager (SM)
                          Officer     Manager (AM)                 b. General
                                                                    Manager (GM)
                                                                   c. Director

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