Page 112 - APICAL_SR2023
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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

            Apical’s case study on goat husbandry
            •  Lina  was  able  to  establish  her  goat
              husbandry business with Apical’s
              support such as technical training,
              business plan formulation and
              animal feed ingredients such as PKE.
              As a result, Lina now has 12 goats
              with plans to acquire up to 25 goats.
              On average she sells 5 goats per year
              at IDR 1.5 million each. Her flourishing
              goat husbandry business has enabled
              her to strengthen her financial security
              as her goats are assets she can sell for
            •  Purwono initially has 2 goats and after receiving Apical’s support, he acquired 12 goats and sells an
              average of 3 per year. Like Lina, Purwono is able to improve his financial security using his goats as
              assets. He and other group members use goat droppings as organic fertiliser, enabling them to also
              cultivate vegetables and fruits using organic farming methods.

          Our Next Steps                             In  addition  to  financial  assistance,  our  efforts  will
                                                     extend to forming partnerships with local entities and
          As we move forward, our commitment to local
                                                     community leaders, implementing innovative methods
          community investment will continue with a strong
                                                     to support community and smallholder advancement.
          focus on initiatives that bolster local economic
                                                     Our strategy involves understanding the unique needs
          development, health and well-being, education
                                                     of those we serve and providing tailored support,
          and infrastructure. Apical pledges ongoing support
                                                     emphasising our dedication to inclusivity. Our goal
          through donations and sponsorships to assist the
                                                     is to enable every community segment to actively
          underprivileged, in line with our objectives for
                                                     contribute to crafting a sustainable future.
          community empowerment. The specific goals we aim
          to achieve by 2024 are outlined in the table below.

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