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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          Our vision extends beyond our immediate team; we expect our suppliers to adhere to equitable employment
          practices, mirroring the high standards we set for ourselves. Through these practices, we aim to cultivate an
          innovative  culture  within  our  workforce,  building  long-term,  mutually  beneficial  relationships  with  both  our
          employees and suppliers.

             RECRUITMENT                                        PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT
             We practice fair and non-discriminatory   We conduct an annual performance review for
             hiring strategies and recognise the dynamic          all employees and provide tools
             nature of skill functions                             for employees to develop their
             across the organisation                                           talent and skills

             WORKING CONDITIONS                                COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS
             We provide safe, secure and fair                          We provide equitable and
             working conditions that enable                 competitive remuneration packages that
             individuals to thrive                     are aligned to local and provincial regulations,
                                                            and adequate for full-time employees to
                                                                        support their well-being

          In upholding human rights among   The SMETA indicators are as follows:
          our people, we work closely with
          key customers, such as Bunge,   •  Universal Rights Covering UNGPs
          Cargill, Kao Corporation, Nestle   •  Management System and Code implementation
          and Unilever for harmonising
          social  standards  across  our  1.   Freely chosen employment   8.    Regular employment is
          organisations.  Among  various                               provided
          frameworks  and  standards,  our   2.      Freedom of association and   8A.    Subcontracting and
          facilities  are  progressing  towards   right to collective bargaining   homeworking
          Sedex membership, the Supplier    are respected
          Ethical Data Exchange. It is an   3.    Working conditions are safe   9.    No harsh or inhuman
          online system enabling Apical to   and hygienic              treatement is allowed
          document and share data on ethical
          and responsible practices with their   4.    Child labour shall not be   10A.  Entitlement to work and
          customers.  We  undertake  SMETA   used                      immigration
          audits to assess the risks, including   5.   Living wages are paid  10B  Environment 4 – Pillar
          but not limited to forced labour,   6.     Working hours are not   10C. Business ethics 4 – Pillars
          workers' rights, fair treatment and   excessive
          working conditions.
                                        7.    No discrimination is   11.  Customer requirements

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