Page 113 - APICAL_SR2023
P. 113

                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          Activity type  Targets              Goals in 2024
          Education    Increase reading level from   •  Conduct training for 25 teachers via ePINTAR
                       a baseline of 59.5% to 70%   •  Provide reading books and learning materials for 300 students
                       by 2030, targeting Grade 5   •  Aim to support 4 schools in total
                       students in partner schools
          Health       Reduce stunting cases by   •  Conduct Behaviour, Change and Communication (BCC) training
                       50% from the baseline in   to 40 posyandu cadres
                       recipient villages by 2030   •  Aim to provide outreach trainings on stunting for 4 villages
                                              •  Provide nutritional foods to reduce stunting incidences for
                                                15 infants
          Empowerment  Increase the sales of   •  Aim to support 5 groups/individuals of farmers, women and
                       beneficiaries by 30%     microenterprises, 4 villages and 40 people through capacity
                       (average) from baseline   building, and providing assistance on improving their business
                       levels by 2030           plans
          SLV          Support 30 villages through   •  Support three more villages in Paser, East Kalimantan in 2024
                       SLV by 2030            •  Support 10 villages by 2026
          Social       Improve the livelihoods of   Provide support to 1,500 households and 6,000 villagers living
                       villagers living near refineries  near refineries on religious, cultural and social events
          Supporting   Support 5,000 independent   To conduct audit with participation from approximately 1,105
          Smallholders  smallholders to achieve   smallholders in North Sumatra, Riau and Jambi for RSPO
                       certification          certification


          GRI 3-3

          At Apical, we are committed to unlocking the
          potential of our employees, recognising that they are
          fundamental to our long-term achievements. We focus
          on respecting their rights, recognising their talents
          and facilitating their professional growth. Our aim is
          to create a conducive work environment that not only
          ensures their physical safety but also fosters personal   We emphasise inclusivity and fairness, ensuring that
          learning and development and offers attractive   our policies and the Apical Code of Conduct champion
          benefits and compensation. This environment nurtures   the values and human rights of our employees. By
          a diverse and talented workforce, committed to   offering competitive remuneration compliant with the
          innovation and creativity.                 relevant laws, we safeguard their welfare and aspire to
                                                     enhance their well-being and inventive contributions
                                                     to our company.

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