Page 109 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

            Khairul  Anam,  Head  of  KTTPS:  The  first   Cooperative’s RSPO recognition means their fruit
            cooperative within the SMILE programme to   commands a higher-than-average price, boosting
            have earned RSPO certification.          income.
            The Koperasi Konsumen Tebing Tinggi Pangkatan   The improvements Anam experienced have
            Sejahtera (KTTPS), an independent smallholders’   resonated with other farmers, drawing more
            cooperative located in Labuhanbatu, North   smallholders to the programme after witnessing
            Sumatra,  was  established  in  2021.  Initially   its  benefits.  The  cooperative  has  grown  to  580
            comprising 239 members who managed 685 ha,   members  and  has  constructed  a  new  office  to
            the association secured RSPO certification in March   accommodate the expanding membership.
            2022, becoming the first in our SMILE programme
            to achieve this milestone in sustainable palm oil   With the success of the SMILE programme, Anam
            certification.                           shared his story and the collective achievements
                                                     of the smallholders at the Japan Sustainable Palm
            Khairul Anam mentioned that the SMILE    Oil Network Conference (JaSPON) in Tokyo in
            programme has educated them in best agricultural   October 2023.
            practices  that  benefit  the  environment,  such
            as  the  correct  use  of  fertilisers  and  pesticides,
            water conservation and resource minimisation.
            Sustainability  has  opened  new  horizons  for  the

            Before joining the SMILE Programme, he
            harvested about 1 tonne per hectare. Applying
            the knowledge gained from the programme,
            his  yield  increased  to  2.5  tonnes  per  hectare
            –  a  2.5-fold  increase.  Moreover,  the  KTTPS

             Sabki Saputra (Independent Smallholder participating in SMILE programme)

             All  this time,  we were  essentially untrained  smallholders, lacking in
             expertise. It was only through SMILE that we received support and learnt
             from the experts – we were no longer isolated. Whenever we encountered
             an obstacle, we could simply consult the experts, making full use of the
             SMILE Programme.
             Thanks to the premium pricing from our RSPO certification, we can improve
             our road conditions, enabling us to transport our FFB day or night. We can
             also make donations and extend the benefits to the local communities.
             As an elder, I hope the SMILE Programme continues to improve the
             livelihoods of smallholders, ensuring our children and grandchildren do
             not have to endure the same hardships we did.

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