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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

         Our Programme/Initiatives
          Activity type  Location      Description of Activity     Outcomes
          Local Economic Development

          Chilli Farming  Dumai,       Continued supporting chilli   •  Supported 20 farmers
                         Indonesia     farmers as an additional source of   •  400 chilli trees grown
                                       income for farmers          •  IDR 10 million is the estimated
                                                                     value from chilli farming
          Goat Farming   Dumai,        Continued supporting goat   •  Supported 27 farmers
                         Indonesia     farming as an additional source of   •  145 goats reared since 2019
                                       income for farmers          •  Provision of 980 kg palm kernel
                                                                     expeller to farmers every 1.5
          Chicken        •  Dumai,     Trained women from the goat   Trained 14 participants
          Cultivation     Indonesia    cultivation farmers on chicken
                         •  Balikpapan,   rearing as another source of
                          Indonesia    income

          Barbershop     Dumai,        Supported youths to establish and  •  Apical subsidised rent and
                         Indonesia     operate a barbershop          promotion
                                                                   •  Customers increased from
                                                                     10 to 20 per day

          Cassava Chips  Dumai,        Created a support plan for Nurul   •  Provide 150 litres of Apical’s
                         Indonesia     Fatiha with the Spicy Cassava   cooking oil/month
                                       Chips Trade Association to   •  1.95 mil IDR savings/month
                                       improve productivity and enhance   •  Production increased from 50 kg
                                       operations                    to 100-150 kg/month

          Micro Traders  Marunda,      Supported traders during the   Tables, tents, cooking oil provided
                         Indonesia     fasting month at the “Takjil   to 16 microtraders
          Bakso Trader   Marunda,      Supported equipment         Assisted in modification of
                         Indonesia     improvement                 motorcycle

          Educational    •  Dumai,     Donated books, developed    •  Donated a total of 877 reading
          Materials       Indonesia    reading corner                books to 950 impacted students
                         •  Marunda,                               •  Developed 6 reading corners
                         •  Padang,

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