Page 107 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          Sustainable Living Village (SLV)                 TRANSFORMATIVE   +      INCLUSIVE
          Programme                                        PARTNERSHIPS            PROGRESS
          The SLV Programme aims is to improve community resilience and livelihood
          sustainability at the village and landscape levels. The SLV programme intends to uplift
          and nurture communities and alleviate poverty by fostering inclusion and improving
          livelihoods while providing environmental protection.
          Aligned under Transformative Partnerships and Inclusive Progress pillars, this
          programme is part of Apical2030 to support 30 villages through SLV by 2030. Apical
          will be collaborating with local partners to implement customised initiatives that are
          suited to the needs of villagers and communities.
          The SLV Programme was launched in January 2023, in partnership with local partners
          namely, Yayasan Inisiatif Dagang Hijau (IDH), Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari (YEL),
          Forum Konservassi Leuser (FKL) as well as Provincial and District Government. The
          signing of the MoU between Apical and IDH marks the beginning of a three-year
          partnership for the SLV Programme.

          The key 4 priorities of the SLV in Aceh Singkil are:

               COMMUNITY            ECOSYSTEM           SUPPLY CHAIN          PARTNERSHIPS
             Enhance livelihood   Forest protection &   Driving supply chain   Collaboration with
                 resilience          conservation        transformation     local government and
                                                                            relevant stakeholders
                                 Will Be Implemented Across 4 Key Focuses

             Establish sustainable   Protext approx.   Assist 1,000 independent   Support formation of
             livelihood model in    13,000 ha of forest   smallholders      Production, Protection
                 6 villages         through supply    Strengthen supply chain   and Inclusion (PPI)
                                   chain monitoring &   monitoring through    Compact in Aceh Singkil
                                     conservation       use of technology

          SLV programme was initiated at priority landscapes,   programme has also been established, whereby
          namely Aceh Singkil. Aceh Singkil plays a crucial   252  farmers  from  three  villages  will  receive  training,
          role  in  protecting  the  Leuser  Ecosystem, consisting   while another 116 farmers attended STDB registration
          of 2.6  million  ha of  tropical forest and  home to   and another  49 farmers  were educated  on Good
          various  Sumatran animal  species such as the orang   Agricultural Practices (GAP) training.
          utan, rhinocerous, Sumatra tiger and the elephant.
          In Singkil, rapid illegal land conversion for oil palm   Our SLV programme at East Kalimantan completed
          plantations poses a challenge to this vital ecosystem’s   a scoping  study by Solidaridad to develop  baseline
          sustainability.                            demographic  data  in  villages.  The  findings  of  the
                                                     study will be utilised to create a Final Workplan that
          Our SLV programme at Aceh Singkil implemented a   will  include programmes  for farmers  such as cacao
          honey cultivation initiative that recorded 44 registered   cultivation in three villages in East Kutai, the workplan
          farmers,  of which 16  were female farmers. This   is  being  finalised  and  we  target  to  implement  the
          initiative involved providing training and setting up   activities by 2024.
          honeycombs  in  five  villages.  A  smallholder  support

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