Page 103 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          GRI 3-3, 2-23, 411-1, 413-2
          Apical commits to respecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities as protected in national
          laws and international standards and guidelines as follows:

                                             ILO Fundamental      Universal         10 UN
                             International bill
               UNGPs                           Principles and    Declaration of    Global Compact
                             of Human Rights
                                              Rights at Work    Human Rights      Principles

          Our enhanced Sustainability Policy and inaugural   PRIOR:  Consent  should  be  sought
          Human Rights Policy mandates that our suppliers   sufficiently in advance of any authorisation or
          acknowledge  and  respect  the  rights  of  indigenous   commencement  of  activities  and  respecting
          and local communities. These policies requires our   the time requirements of consultation and
          suppliers to conduct assessments in their operations   customary decision-making processes of
          for potential negative impacts to surrounding   Indigenous  Peoples, Local  Communities, and
          communities. Our suppliers are expected to adhere to   other users
          national laws requiring the protection of indigenous
          peoples’ and local community rights and obtain the
          Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) of indigenous   INFORMED: Communities must have access
          peoples or local communities in which they operate.   to and be provided with comprehensive and
          We provide the FPIC guideline on our website to assist   impartial information on the project prior to
          suppliers with implementing this essential framework.   providing their consent
          We also encourage the use of the RSPO FPIC Guidance
          and HCSA Social Requirements and Implementation
          Guidance for our suppliers to implement FPIC in their   CONSENT: The rights to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to
          operations.                                   any project affecting their lands, livelihoods
                                                        and environment
          Although our facilities are situated in designated
          industrial  areas,  for  any  new  development  or
          expansion projects with potential environmental or
          social impacts, we engage professional consultants
          and governmental bodies to carry out environmental
          impact assessments, known as Analisis Mengenai
          Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL) and SIA.

            FREE: Consent should be given or withheld
            without coercion, intimidation or manipulation,
            and   may  be   communicated  through
            communities’ freely chosen representatives

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