Page 98 - APICAL_SR2023
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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          Activity type  Location      Description of Activity     Outcomes
          ISO 17025:     Marunda,      Certified the laboratories in   •  AAJ Marunda has been certified
          Testing and    Indonesia     refinery                      with the ISO 17025 certification
          calibration                                                in 2023
          Halal          Indonesia and   Ensure operational facilities are   •  100% of our refineries are Halal
          Certification  China         Halal certified               certified in Indonesia
                                                                   •  100% of our refineries are Halal
                                                                     certified in China
          Kosher         Indonesia and   Ensure operational facilities are   •  100% of our refineries are
          Certification   China        Kosher certified              Kosher certified in Indonesia
                                                                   •  100% of our refineries are
                                                                     Kosher certified in China
          Certification Schemes
          RSPO Certified   Indonesia   Register our palm oil products   •  485,225 t of RSPO-certified
          Products                     (CPO and PKO) to be RSPO-     palm oil raw materials
                                       certified. Target to reach 100%   •  21.23% increase from 2022
                                       certified by 2025
          RSPO           Indonesia     Registered our refineries to the   •  100% of refineries obtained the
          Supply Chain                 RSPO Supply Chain Certification   RSPO Supply Chain certification.
          ISCC Certified   All operations   Registered palm oil and palm   •  684,911 t of our palm oil and oil
          Product                      oil products (CPO) to be ISCC   palm products processed are
                                       certified                     ISCC certified
                                                                   •  11.73% increase from 2022
          ISCC Facility   Indonesia and   Registered our facilities to be ISCC  •  100% of facilities are certified by
          Certification   Spain        certified                     ISCC
                                                                   •  80% of our biodiesel facilities
                                                                     are ISSC certified

          Our Next Steps

          Apical is dedicated to maintaining certifications for our refineries and plants while expanding our range of certified
          palm oil products through RSPO, ISCC and other international schemes. We invest in innovative technologies
          to enhance production processes and product quality by minimising co-contaminants. Looking ahead, we plan
          to improve supply chain traceability by digitising data on suppliers’ performance and other relevant metrics.
          We also value ongoing collaboration with stakeholders: palm oil trade associations, key customers and all actors
          across our supply chain. Through this inclusive approach, we aim to jointly find solutions that address product
          safety, quality standards and sustainability challenges.

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