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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          ENSURING PRODUCT QUALITY AND SAFETY        Our palm oil products are voluntarily certified under
                                                     the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certification
          Apical  registers  our  products  for  certification  under   scheme  and/or  the  Hazard  Analysis  Critical  Control
          widely recognisable quality assurance standards   Point  (HACCP)  certification.  GMP  is  a  system  that
          to build trust and credibility with our customers,   ensures products in several industries including food
          regulators, and other stakeholders. Such quality   industries are manufactured according to controlled
          certifications  are  testament  to  the  safety  and   quality and safety standards. HACCP is a systematic
          effectiveness of our products, which safeguards the   approach to identifying, evaluating and controlling
          health and well-being of consumers and prevent   food safety hazards. Its design to prevent, eliminate
          costly recalls. We engage reputable third-party   or reduce ricks related to the biological, chemical
          certification bodies, such as Intertek (SAI Group), TUV   or  physical  hazards  in  food  production  processes.
          Nord Indonesia, CQC, Sucafindo and Bureau Veritas   It covers the entire process from the procurement
          to verify our adherence to ISO 9001. This continual   and handling of raw materials to manufacturing,
          verification process helps us maintain and improve our   distribution and consumption of the finished product.
          quality management systems in accordance with ISO
          9001 standards.

            Apical  tailors  its  palm  oil  product  certification   In  Indonesia,  for  instance,  100%  of  our  refineries
            to  meet  the  specific  regulations  and  dietary   hold both Halal and Kosher certifications, reflecting
            requirements  of  each  market  we  operate  in.   our commitment to meeting the religious dietary
            This ensures our products comply with national   needs of our customers and adhering to Indonesian
            standards and cater to consumer preferences.  quality standards.
            To stay informed about evolving regulations   For continuous improvement, Apical utilises a Plant
            and industry best practices, Apical leverages its   Information Management System (PIMS) across
            membership in organisations like the Palm Oil   most of its processing facilities. This digital tool
            Refiners  Association  of  Malaysia.  This  allows  for   helps monitor production processes and identify
            knowledge exchange and collaboration with other   areas for optimisation.
            industry players.

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