Page 95 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          PROTECTING CONSUMER HEALTH                 Our   commitment  goes  beyond  compliance.
                                                     We  continuously  invest  in  R&D,  with  ongoing
          Apical is dedicated to providing safe, high-quality palm   projects exploring innovative methods to minimise
          oil products directly to consumers. This commitment   contaminants.
          to  quality  extends  to  minimising  unhealthy
          co-contaminants, which can arise during palm oil
          refining.  Co-contaminants  are  a  concern  for  many   For example, we’re investigating the use
          consumers and regulatory bodies like the European   of double deodorant towers to lower
          Union (EU) and the European Food Standards    deodorisation temperatures and further reduce
          Authority (EFSA). These organisations set strict limits   Glycidyl Esters (GE) levels.
          on contaminant levels to ensure food safety.

          Apical addresses this concern by leveraging   Complementing these efforts is our Laboratory
          cutting-edge analytical technology. This digital   Integrated Management System, which prevents
          solution utilises advanced tools throughout    cross-contamination during storage. This multi-
          production, from raw materials to finished products.   pronged approach ensures the integrity and safety
          Tools like gas chromatography and inductively   of our palm oil products throughout the entire supply
          coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy allow   chain.  Our  commitment  to  excellence  is  reflected  in
          us to detect trace elements and measure oil and fat   our safety record. In 2023, we achieved zero incidents
          content, ensuring compliance with EU and EFSA   of non-compliance concerning product health and
          requirements.                              safety regulations. This achievement is a testament to
                                                     our rigorous quality control measures and unwavering
                                                     focus on consumer safety.

 94  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                                APICAL GROUP  95
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