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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          Our Programme/Initiatives
          Activity type  Location      Description of Activity                   Outcomes
          Energy Management
          Tank Insulation   Dumai,     Insulation to reduce energy required to keep the   108 tanks
                         Indonesia     tanks at the optimal temperature          insulated
          Increase       •  Balikpapan,   Increase in use of palm kernel shell, wood bark,   6.65% of energy
          renewable       Indonesia    straw, rice chaff and biodiesel           source is from
          energy sources  •  Dumai,                                              palm kernel
                          Indonesia                                              shell, wood
                         •  Marunda,                                             bark, rice chaff
                          Indonesia                                              and biodiesel
                         •  Tanjung Balai,
          Replace Heat   Nanjing, China  A new heat exchanger in the refining workshop cut   Expected
          Exchanger                    steam use by 7 kg/t and is estimated to save 0.2 m    to save
                                       of natural gas per tonne of oil processed, boosting   approximately
                                       overall efficiency                        116, 200 m  of
                                                                                 natural gas
          Water Management
          Water          Huelva, Spain  Installed a system to recover a steam condensate line  Reduction
          Management                   from 293E1 (reboiler of Methanol Distillation Column)  in steam
                                       to feed 291E1 (Reaction Heat Exchanger)   consumption by
                                                                                 250 kg/h steam
                                                                                 a reduction
                                                                                 of 6-8% of
                                                                                 the initial
                         Marunda,      Conducting feasibility study of minimising steam lost   Feasibility
                         Indonesia     and recovery steam condensate, leading to reduction  study has been
                                       of water consumption and energy conservation  completed
                                                                                 and work is in
                         Padang,       Reduce water consumption with Rain water   Approximately
                         Indonesia     harvesting system at Refinery             698 m  of
                                                                                 rainwater have
                                                                                 been harvested
                                                                                 in Q4 2023
                         Marunda,      WWTP recycling and RO water as boiler feed water  In progress.
                         Indonesia                                               To be completed
                                                                                 in 2024

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