Page 87 - APICAL_SR2023
P. 87

                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          WASTE MANAGEMENT                           In 2023, we reduced our waste generation by 10.48%
          GRI 301-2, 306-1, 306-2, 306-3, 306-4, 306-5  compared to 2022, and disposal by recovery option
                                                     decreased as compared to 2022. In SDO (M), the new
          We utilise a waste management hierarchy that   coal to natural gas conversion programme has led to a
          centres on reduction, reuse and recycling. This is   significant reduction in bottom ash, thus reducing the
          achieved through proper handling of all materials and   refinery’s total waste generation.
          working with our suppliers to promote responsible
          waste management. Ensuring proper waste handling
          practices is key as palm oil processing generates
          both hazardous (spent bleaching earth, ash) and non-
          hazardous waste (paper, pruning scraps).
          As one of the biggest global palm oil processors,
          we utilise large volumes of natural palm-based
          materials in  our  operations  across  Indonesia, China,
          and Spain. This process generates significant amounts
          of by-products, such as flying ash and bleaching earth.
          Proper handling of these by-products is essential
          to safeguard the environment, the health of our
          employees, and the well-being of local communities.

          Apical is also exploring innovative ways to reuse our
          waste  for  other uses. We are exploring  turning  our
          waste outputs into a key source for SAF manufacturing.
          This is in support of the aviation industry that is
          exploring carbon abating and mitigation technologies   In  our  goal  to  unlock  new  sources
          and interventions as part of its decarbonisation   of value through circularity, Apical
                                                         has recently entered into the SAF
          To ensure the safety of our employees, all hazardous   market through the joint venture
          waste is stored at dedicated warehouses, while both   with Cepsa to construct the largest
          hazardous and non-hazardous waste are collected and   second generation (2G) biofuels
          disposed of by licensed contractors. For our Bio-oils   plant in Southern Europe. Apical
          refinery,  in  Huelva,  Spain,  we  verify  environmental
          authorisations before signing a management contract   will  be transforming  its waste  and
          with the third party contractor. We established   residue raw materials into a valuable
          dedicated emergency response teams at each our   resource to decarbonise air travel.
          refineries  and  provide  our  employees  with  regular
          training to prevent and respond to accidental oil
          spillage. We have maintained our prevailing record of
          zero accidental spills since 2018.

 86  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                                APICAL GROUP  87
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