Page 82 - APICAL_SR2023
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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

                                                       2020       2021       2022      2023

          Fuel consumption from non-renewable sources (Gj)  16,863,646  16,319,004 5  20,821,454  28,553,914
          Fuel consumption from renewable sources (Gj)  68,137    116,439   1,610,231  2,080,208

          Electricity purchased for consumption (Gj)   338,164    590,204 5  590,826    651,529
          Total energy consumption (Gj)              17,269,947  17,025,647 5  23,022,511  31,285,651
          Percentage of renewable and clean energy sources (%)  0.39  0.71   6.99       6.65

          1   Energy consumption is based on the addition of fuel consumption from non-renewable sources, fuel consumption from renewable
           sources and electricity purchased for consumption as per GRI 302-1: Energy consumption within the organisation
          2   Coal makes up 65% of our total fuel consumption from non-renewable sources (85% in 2022; 90% in 2021). The remaining fuel is
           derived from diesel, liquefied petroleum gas, gasoline/petrol and NG. In 2023, the consumption of natural gas has been increased to
          3   Fuel consumption from renewable sources include biomass and biodiesel.
            Data covers our operations which include AKC, SDS, SDO (D), AAJ Marunda, SDO (M), AAJ Tj Balai, KRN, PRC, EF T, ACO and BOH
          5   We enhanced our methodology and frameworks used for the 2023 Sustainability Report. As such, the 2022 data was revised based
           on the latest industry protocol and guidelines.

          GRI 303-1, 303-2, 303-3, 303-4, 303-5
          Apical recognises water as a shared resource crucial
          to our operations. It’s used in refineries and crushing
          plants for oil extraction, power generation, and
          pollutant dilution. Committed to water resilience, we
          meticulously track usage and implement initiatives to
          enhance efficiency. Most water comes from the sea,
          rivers, or municipal sources. To minimise freshwater
          withdrawal,  Apical  prioritises  water  efficiency  and
          actively reuses wastewater whenever possible.

          In 2023,  our total water  consumption  increased by
          8.9% as compared to 2022. In addition, the water
          intensity  of  our  operations  was  0.000530  ML/t  of
          oil processed. This increase is due to an increasing       Apical2030 Target
          volume of total oil processed over the years. Apical
          is also actively mitigating water consumption with the     Improve water use
          newly installed rainwater harvesting system at PRC,
          which has led to a reduction in water use. Additionally,   intensity by 30%
          WWTP has started recycling water for cooling towers,   through circular solutions
          further reducing water consumption.

          82  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                                                                                                                             APICAL GROUP  83
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