Page 78 - APICAL_SR2023
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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          Activity type  Location  Description of Activity       Progress
          Nature-Based Solutions
          Afforestation   •  Dumai,   The reforestation and afforestation   •  AAJ Marunda: Completed
          and            Indonesia  of land around our operational   planting of 8,600 Mangroves
          restoration of  •  Marunda,   facilities               •  SDS: Completed planting of 4,000
          mangroves      Indonesia                                 Mangroves

          Forest       •  Aceh,    Launch of SLV to protect and   •  150,000 ha forest conservation
          protection     Indonesia  conserve the forests           and protection
                       •  East                                   •  Currently implementing SLV within
                         Kalimantan,                               6 villages in Aceh slated to be
                         Indonesia                                 completed in 2026
                                                                 •  3 SLVs in East Kalimantan slated to
                                                                   start in 2024

          TCFD         •  All      •  Conduct internal capacity   •  Appointed an external consultant
          reporting      operations   building workshops for relevant   to conduct workshops and
          and capacity                business units and Heads of   conduct climate change risk
          building in                 Departments to understand TCFD   assessment
          preparation                 recommendations
          for future               •  Conduct climate change risk
          ISSB                        assessment to TCFD in terms
          disclosure                  of Physical & Transition risks,
                                      followed by quantifying these
                                      risks into a TCFD report

          Our Next Steps
          We will continue to reduce coal consumption by increasing biomass usage in boilers, such as PKS.
          Furthermore, we will continue our collaboration with Jakarta’s Park and Forest Service to support the
          Indonesian  government’s  mangrove  rehabilitation  programme  with  a  target  of  600,000  ha  by  2024.
          Our commitment to explore other technologically-enabled solutions will be continued in 2024 as we explore
          partnerships to leverage methane capture technology, and deployment of carbon management software to
          improve our environmental data accounting and tracking capabilities.

          78  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                                                                                                                             APICAL GROUP  79
                                                                                                                                                                                     APICAL GROUP

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