Page 75 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
           Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          GHG Emissions Trends (2020 – 2023)
          The following emission disclosures are third party verified by Control Union.

           Emissions Metrics        2020       2021           2022                2023
           Direct Scope 1 Emissions   1,193,469  1,146,256  1,471,277           1,845,814
           (tCO e)
           Indirect Scope 2 Emissions   69,296  125,357     124,198              124,798
           (tCO e)
           Total Scope 1 and Scope 2
                                  1,262,765  1,271,613      1,595,475           1,970,612
           Emissions (tCO e)
           Biogenic Emissions (tCO e)  6,892  12,424        199,295              275,705
           Total Oil Processed (t)  7,863,435  14,685,261  12,788,592           14,214,456
           Emissions Intensity (tCO e/t
                             2      0.16      0.09            0.12                0.14
           of Oil Processed)
                                                                   -23%                -14%
           Percent Change in Emissions        -46%      +44%                +11%
                                      -                           (from                (from
           Intensity                          (YOY)     (YOY)                (YOY)
                                                                 baseline)            baseline)
          1   The emissions intensity is calculated by dividing the total scope 1 & 2 emissions by the total volume of oils processed by each facility.
           Biogenic emissions have been reported separately following the GHG Protocol guidelines.
          2    Emissions data has been revised in line with the latest emission factors from IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). The emission
           factors and conversion factors are referenced on page 160.
          3    The data covers our operations, including AKC, SDS, SDO (D), AAJ Marunda, SDO (M), AAJ Tj Balai, KRN, PRC, EFT, ACO and BOH.
          4    A revision has been made to the total oil processed in 2022 from 14,685,261 tonnes to 12,788,592 tonnes.

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