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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

                                                     FIRE PREVENTION & MANAGEMENT
                                                     The practice of slash-and-burn for clearing agricultural
                                                     land  contributes  to  transboundary  haze  and  climate
                                                     change through emissions. We enforce a strict “zero
                                                     burn” policy across all our suppliers and have published
                                                     guidelines on our website to aid them in preventing,
                                                     detecting early and controlling open burning on oil
                                                     palm plantations. These guidelines highlight the risk
                                                     of fires spreading to neighbouring plantations during
                                                     the dry season due to wind or underground burning
                                                     when the water table is low.
                                                     Although larger plantations might adopt alternative
          PROTECTING PEATLAND AREAS AND SOIL         land clearing methods, financial limitations make slash-
                                                     and-burn a favoured option for improving soil fertility
          Apical is commited to our no planting on peatlands   and reducing fertiliser need among smallholders.
          containing  65%  or  more  organic  soil,  regardless  of   Therefore,  incorporating  smallholders  into  our  fire
          depth. We organise workshops for suppliers with   prevention and management strategy is essential.
          existing operations on peatlands, promoting best   We aim to educate smallholders on the zero burning
          practices in peatland management. These practices   practice  and  support  them  in  finding  sustainable
          include  efficient  water  management  to  enhance  oil   alternatives.
          palm productivity and reduce GHG emissions from   Our published guidance on “Prevention, early
          peat areas. We guide our suppliers in maintaining   detection and control of open-burning in oil palm
          the water table at an optimal level through effective   plantations” on our website outlines instructions
          management and monitoring. For peat areas deemed   on preventing and managing open-burning and
          unsuitable for replanting, we collaborate with experts   minimising safety incidents.
          and stakeholders to consider long-term restoration or
          alternative uses.                                         In 2023, we supported our principal
                                                                    supplier, Asian Agri, in executing
          We also engage in practices that preserve soil fertility   its Fire-Free Village Programme,
          and prevent erosion and degradation. Suppliers are        targeting 16 villages in Riau and
          advised against planting on marginal and fragile soils    Jambi.  Spanning  approximately
          to prevent soil nutrient imbalances.                      343,276  ha,  the  programme
                                                                    focuses  on  fire  prevention  and
          The  use  of  pesticides  classified  as  1A  or  1B  by  the   management awareness.
          World Health Organisation or those listed in the
          Stockholm or Rotterdam Conventions, including
          paraquat, is banned among our suppliers. Exceptional
          use of restricted pesticides must undergo a thorough
          due  diligence process.  We encourage  suppliers  to
          adopt proper practices of chemical usage, including
          pesticides and fertilisers.

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