Page 73 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
           Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

                                                     For the potential and actual physical and transition
                                                     climate  risk pose  to the business, Apical recognises
                                                     the recommendations made by the TCFD/ISSB. We
                                                     are currently in the midst of reporting in line with the
                                                     best practices recommended by the TCFD/ISSB as of

                                                     To ensure a company-wide collective effort towards
                                                     Apical2030, all facilities have developed KPIs to
                                                     achieve the targets which corresponds to projects
                                                     to be implemented. Since 2023, we have conducted
                                                     bi-annual progress meetings organised by the
                                                     Sustainability Department, with the President  and
                                                     Executive Director as co-chairs. All the heads of the
                                                     business  units  are  expected  to  provide  updates,
          Designed to effectively manage and minimise   progress and future plans for their projects related to
          our environmental impact, Apical is committed   Apical2030.
          to combatting climate change aligned with the
          1.5°C global warming target, as set out in the Paris   CLIMATE ACTION STRATEGY
          Agreement.  The  Sustainability  Policy  specifically
          addresses GHG emissions.                   To achieve these ambitious goals, we intend to:

            It requires Apical to:

            •  Identify all sources of GHG emissions  Substitue the use of coal in our powerplants and
                                                             boilers with greener alternatives
            •  Conduct  GHG  calculations  for  all  our
             operations based on ISO 14064-1 and GHG
            •  Continuously  monitor  GHG  emissions  and
             strive for progressive reductions that are
                                                         Replace diesel-forklift with electric-forklift
             environmentally and economically feasible
          Several internal control systems and protocols were
          also established in accordance with local laws and
          regulations by the Ministry of Environment and
          Forestry in  the Republic of Indonesia. For example,   Implement nature-based solutions
          we adhere to “Peraturan Menteri Negara Lingkungan
          Hidup Nomor 07 Tahun 2007” for the use of biomass
          and coal in boilers. In 2023, we had no significant fines
          or non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with
          environmental regulations.

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