Page 69 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          We assess new mills in our supply chain                Sustainable Living
          for  environmental  concerns,  including
          deforestation, through our MPP and spatial         Village (SLV) Programme
          analysis. Suppliers must prove compliance with
          environmental  laws.  Mills  flagged  as  high-risk   TRANSFORMATIVE       INCLUSIVE
          undergo further assessments through Apical’s       PARTNERSHIPS    +       PROGRESS
          PSEP and CARE programmes, with the latter
          enabling low-risk suppliers to self-assess online.
          The sustainability team reviews these assessments,
          helping suppliers develop action plans to meet
          our NDPE policy.

          During PSEP visits, we guide suppliers in
          identifying and managing high conservation areas
          using the HCV approach and geospatial analysis.
          We also support the implementation of the HCS
          approach,  validated  through  field  testing  and
          scientific consultation.
          Introduced in 2020, our SFA helps suppliers assess   The  SLV  is  our  landscape  initiative  through
          their compliance with our NDPE policy, requiring   partnership  with  local  government  and
          those in violation to take corrective actions. Failure   community to promote positive human-forest
          to adhere could lead to reassessment of our   relationships. This SLV programme was initiated
          partnership. We also back conservation initiatives   at priority landscapes, namely Aceh Singkil.
          targeting biodiversity, HCV areas and riparian   Aceh Singkil plays a crucial role in protecting the
          zones,  in  line  with  Principle  7  of  the  RSPO  P&C
          2018.                                         Leuser Ecosystem, consisting of 2.6 million ha
                                                        of tropical forest and home to various Sumatran
          We commit to protecting species listed under   animal species such as the orang utan, rhinoceros,
          the IUCN Red List and Indonesia’s National Law,   Sumatra tiger, and the elephant. In Singkil, illegal
          condemning illegal hunting across our supply   land conversion to oil palm poses a challenge to
          chain,  with  exceptions  only for local subsistence   this vital ecosystem’s sustainability.
          hunting that does not significantly impact species
          populations.                                  Our approach to protecting and conserving
                                                        forests in Aceh Singkil focuses on enhancing
          In 2023, Apical has no verified grievances related   community resilience and livelihood options.
          to deforestation in our supply chain. Since   We advocate sustainable agricultural practices
          December 2015, the total deforested area by all   for 1,000 independent smallholders and
          suspended suppliers reached 65,194 ha.
                                                        protecting the ecosystem’s forests by leveraging
                                                        technology for forest monitoring. Additionally,
                                                        we have established a response team to protect
                                                        these forests actively. We are also collaborating
                                                        with partners to ensure a sustainable and
                       Apical2030 Target                deforestation-free supply chain at the landscape
                    Partner with suppliers to           level.
                    protect and/or conserve
                                                        Please refer to page 107 to read further about
                    150,000 ha of forest                our SLV programme.
                      and peatland by 2030

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