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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          Suppliers Self-Assessment (SFA)
          Introduced in 2020, the SFA tool allows our suppliers to conduct a self-evaluation questionnaire to check
          their alignment with our NDPE policy and to identify supply chain risks. Suppliers flagged as high-risk through
          the SFA are encouraged to join the PSEP, CARE, and SVP for necessary corrective measures. The SFA tool
          has  been  crucial  in  maintaining  engagement  with  our  suppliers,  especially  during  the  COVID-19  pandemic
          restrictions, and remains in active use.

                                                     manner. Our commitment to sustainability is at the
                                                     heart of our business, positioning us to effectively
                                                     tackle  significant  global  challenges  and  comply  with
              Apical Supplier Platform (SFA)         evolving ESG standards, including the recent EUDR.

              Apical launched SFA, which has been live   We are committed to protecting and conserving
              since August 2023. The SFA is designed to   forests, biodiversity and social well-being, to ensure
              streamline and improve the collection and   our supply chain is traceable, sustainable and
              management of vital supplier information   deforestation free, in line with EUDR requirements.
              and  data.  It  efficiently  includes  NDPE   The EUDR aims to reduce deforestation, greenhouse
              Compliance and traceability information   gas emissions, and biodiversity  loss worldwide
              from the enormous pool of suppliers.   by  providing screening  requirements  for  6  main
              This platform is crucial for ensuring a   commodities which are wood, cattle, oil palm, soy,
              sustainable and deforestation-free supply   coffee, cocoa. It was passed by the EU parliament in
              chain. SFA features:                   June 2023 and will be enforced from December 30,
              •  Data  Streamlining  –  streamlines  data
                collection and management from       To comply with EUDR, we conducted due diligence on
                supplying mills.                     our suppliers based on several criteria, among others:
              •  Supplier  Collaborations  –  improves   •  Compliance  with  the  producing  country’s  relevant
                supplier collaboration with the user-  legislation.
                friendly interface.
                                                     •  Traceability  of  FFB  sources  of  origin  using  at
              •  Enhanced  Traceability  –  enhances   least one latitude and one longitude with at least
                traceability  by  capturing  accurate  and   6  decimal  digits  for  plot  of  land  less  than  4  ha
                up-to-date data.
                                                       and  polygon  mapping  with  sufficient  latitude  and
                                                       longitude points to describe the perimeter of each
                                                       plot of land more than 4 ha.
                                                     •  A  comprehensive  deforestation-free  due  diligence
                                                       process,  including risk  assessment  and  mitigation,
          APICAL’S PROGRESS ON EUDR COMPLIANCE         with a due diligence statement submitted for each
                                                       EUDR-compliant shipment.
          As a global integrated processor of vegetable oils,
          Apical can efficiently and sustainably manage its supply   •  Ensure  no  mixing  implementation  throughout  the
          chain and its processes in a transparent and traceable   supply chain to prevent mixing with non-EUDR raw

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