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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          Mill Prioritisation Process (MPP)          The PSEP revolves around six core principles:
          The MPP is designed as a risk-based evaluation
          method  for  assessing  our  suppliers,  specifically   •  Ensuring legal compliance;
          focusing on mills to determine their priority level.    •  Safeguarding critical conservation areas such as
          The goals of the MPP include:                  HCV, HCS and Peatlands;
                                                       •  Managing environmental impacts, including the
                                                         handling of waste and chemicals;
           •  Identifying which mills require engagement;
                                                       •  Upholding   respect   for   individuals   and
           •  Enhancing engagement with high risk mills to
             encourage improvements/mitigation plans;    communities, which encompasses labour and
                                                         human rights;
           •  Deciding if a detailed strategy for engagement
             is necessary.                             •  Creation of shared value;
                                                       •  Enhancing traceability.
          To assess risk, we evaluate a series of factors through
          the MPP, including the analysis of land use within a   Through the PSEP, Apical conduct field visits to priority
          50-km  radius  around  a  mill  and  non-spatial  factors,   suppliers  to  recommend  improvement  opportunities
          such as qualitative assessments of a mill’s interactions   and build strong relationships. During these visits, we
          with local communities and small-scale farmers.    offer comprehensive guidance to help our suppliers
          All suppliers undergo the MPP evaluation, with those   develop robust SOPs and sustainability frameworks.
          deemed high risk and having a longstanding business   We maintain regular communication with our suppliers
          relationship with us being prioritised for the PSEP.  to monitor progress and verify the implementation of
                                                     recommended action plans.
          We conduct ongoing monitoring of our suppliers,
          updating their risk status monthly. In 2023, we   Collaborative Action Remote Engagement (CARE)
          identified 41 mills that were found to have significant
          actual and potential negative social and environmental   In response to the travel restrictions imposed during
          impacts. These risks include labor exploitation, illegal   the COVID-19 outbreak, we introduced the CARE
          burning, deforestation, peatland development, FFB   programme in 2020 as a strategic extension of
          sourcing from protected  areas and social  issues. Of   the PSEP to maintain virtual engagement with our
          these,  11%  were  selected  for  priority  engagement   suppliers. Since 2022 however, COVID-19 restrictions
          under PSEP.                                were lifted, but CARE is still being used for low-risk
                                                     suppliers. Our  sustainability  team  then  conducts  a
          Priority Supplier Engagement Programme (PSEP)  desktop review of these self-assessments, followed by
                                                     remote discussions with suppliers to update data and
          As a follow-up to MPP, we have launched the PSEP in   gain further insights into their practices. Based on this,
          2015  to  assess  our  high-risk  suppliers.  This  initiative   Apical develops targeted action plans to address any
          aims to evaluate                           gaps and enhance compliance with our NDPE policy.
          their  commitment
          and adherence to
          our  Sustainability
          Policy and relevant
          industry norms.

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