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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          Our Traceability Verification Guidance (TVG) offer a detailed methodology for data verification, introducing a
          standardised approach to protocol implementation across our operations. This guidance ensures consistency
          among all participants in our supply chain, setting uniform criteria and expectations for verifying the traceability
          of Tier 1 suppliers. As a result, we anticipate that all entities within our supply chain will motivate their Tier 1
          suppliers to adopt this guidance, thereby reinforcing their commitment to traceability.

          The  development  of  this  guidance  was  in  line  with  established  protocols,  including  the  NDPE  IRF  and  the
          ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 standards.

            The following flow chart illustrates Apical’s simplified supply chain and the expected responsibilities for
            traceability verification by each supply chain actor.

                                             Material flow

                                                         Traceability data flow:
                                Traceability data        TTM, TTP, traceability
                                   flow: TTP               verification result

                    FFB suppliers                 Mills                    Refineries

                                 Tier 1 supplier            Tier 1 supplier
                              traceability verification  traceability verification
                                          Traceability requirements flow

                                               Apical2030 Target
                        Engage 100% of our suppliers for independent verification
                                          of traceability data by 2025

          We are pleased to report that we surpassed our 2023   To  further  improve  the  effectiveness  of  our  TTP
          goal by verifying 72% of our suppliers, exceeding   programme, we have introduced a Risk Calibrated
          the initial target of 50%. For 2024, our objective is to     Approach. This strategy enhances our insight into the
          have  90-100%  of  our  TTP  data  confirmed  by  an   specific risks faced by our suppliers and their ability to
          external verification body.                adhere to NDPE commitments, tailoring our support
                                                     and interventions more effectively.
          58  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                                                                                                                             APICAL GROUP  59
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