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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          MANAGING SUPPLY CHAIN RISK THROUGH         We also utilise RADD, a tool for detecting deforestation
          TECHNOLOGY                                 in real-time using satellite imagery. Organisations like
          GRI 3-3, 308-2                             WRI have used RADD for forest management and to
                                                     combat illegal deforestation.
          Digital transformation and  innovation are crucial
          for  Apical  in  enhancing  supply  chain  transparency   Through the combined application of GLAD and
          and achieving our NDPE commitments. These   RADD, Apical’s satellite monitoring efforts enable
          advancements aid in the verification of supplier data   precise monitoring of land use and deforestation
          and assessment of their potential environmental   activities within our supply chain, almost in real-time.
          impacts. Due to the resource-intensive nature of our   The reliability of these tools allows us to identify
          operations, managing environmental impacts is a core
          focus. We employ various technologies to put our   deforestation  quickly  and  confidently,  prompting
          commitments into action.                   engagement with suppliers to address any land clearing
                                                     over one hectare. They also offer critical insights to
          Supply Chain Mapping                       stakeholders in the palm oil sector committed to
                                                     sustainable and ethical sourcing practices.
          We use Geographic Information System (GIS)
          technology to monitor our palm oil supply chain
          and supplier risk profiling. This allows us to pinpoint   ENGAGEMENT THROUGH OUR ANCHOR
          suppliers  who  breach  our  Sourcing  Policies  and/or   PROGRAMMES
          Sustainability commitments. Non-compliant suppliers   GRI 2-24, 308-1, 308-2, 414-1, 414-2
          are required to follow procedures as outlined in our
          Anchor Programmes. Additionally, we share the results   Apical recognises that a transparent and sustainable
          of our list of supplying mills and their GPS coordinates,   palm oil supply chain relies on strong engagement
          on our website every quarter.              and partnerships with suppliers. Through collaborative
                                                     programmes like PSEP, SVP, TOP and SFA, Apical
          Satellite Imagery
                                                     drives suppliers to adhere to responsible practices.
          Apical leverages on satellite technology to monitor   By working together, Apical and its suppliers can build
          land use change to detect deforestation in critical   a more sustainable future.
          areas  of  our  supply  chain.  We  utilise  a  forest
          monitoring platform known as GFW Pro, created by   Supplier Onboarding Process
          the World Resources Institute, to monitor our supply
          chains more effectively, uphold our deforestation-free   As part of the onboarding process, all suppliers are
          pledges and ensure compliance with regulations.  required to formally declare their adherence to our
                                                     Sourcing Policy in writing. We conduct thorough due
          The GFW Pro system is regularly updated with mill   diligence  of  all  our  palm  oil  suppliers  in  Indonesia
          locations  that  our  suppliers  must  report.  It  features   before integrating them into our supply chain.
          various alert mechanisms capable of immediately   This strategy employs our MPP and New Supplier
          identifying areas of deforestation. Among these,   Screening (NSS) processes to categorise suppliers
          Apical predominantly uses Global Land Analysis
          (GLAD)  alerts  for  our  weekly  updates  and  ability  to   based  on  their  risk  profiles,  determining  which  will
          compare new satellite images with historical data.   be prioritised for further involvement through our
          Since 2019, GFW Pro and GLAD alerts have been   Anchor  Programmes.  Suppliers  identified  as  high
          instrumental in automating our transparency efforts   risk according to our risk assessment criteria will be
          and refining our decision-making process.   prioritised for engagement.

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