Page 65 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

         Apical has proactively engaged in internal discussions   compliance with deforestation-free standards and
         and  briefings  across  various  departments  and   delivering the compliance information to customers.
         facilities, as well as communicated our commitment   This will also facilitate auditing through transparent
         and strategies to our customers, aligning with the   and  efficient  data  management.  We  plan  to  roll  out
         EUDR’s timeline and requirements. We are also   the digital platform by second half of 2024.
         conducting deforestation due diligence of our supply
         chain, in collaboration with external consultants,   HUMAN RIGHTS AND OUR SUPPLY CHAIN
         to communicate expectations to our suppliers and   GRI 408-1, 409-1
         digitalise our traceability efforts.
                                                     As the significance of human rights in supply chains
         To elevate our commitment to deforestation-free     becomes increasingly critical, we are intensifying our
         palm oil,  we have  developed a new DFDD    efforts  to collaborate  closely with our suppliers to
         Implementation Framework. This framework builds   respect human rights and establish safe workplaces for
         upon our existing A-SIMPLE Framework, ensuring a   workers. To foster a positive socio-economic impact for
         smooth integration of DFDD practices into our entire   workers  and  communities  within  our  operations  and
         supply chain and operations.                supply chains, we have introduced several initiatives
                                                     aimed at at respecting human rights.
         Furthermore, we have developed  and implemented
         several SOPs which has been legally reviewed by an   Our new Human Rights Policy represents a major
         external counsel. The SOPs are aligned with local and   milestone in the Apical’s steadfast determination to
         international sustainability regulations. These SOPs   respect the fundamental human rights of workers
         provide clear guidelines for effectively mitigating and   and communities across our global operations and
         managing the risk of non-compliance.        supply chains. This policy complements the revised
                                                     Sustainability  Policy  2023  and  reaffirms  Apical’s
         Additionally, in order to enhance supply chain   dedication towards addressing adverse human rights
         traceability of shipment, we are progressing well in   impacts within our operations and supply chain.
         the development of a digital platform  to streamline
         due diligence processes, ensuring our suppliers'

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