Page 67 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          Our Programmes/Initiatives
                                         Supplier Anchor Programmes
          Programme  Description                                              Progress in 2023
          MPP        A risk-based approach used to identify priority mills for deeper engagement  536 supplying mills
                     that involves analysing geospatial and non-spatial parameters to identify  engaged since
                     potential sustainability risks associated with the supplying mills. All of our  launch
                     suppliers are assessed under the MPP. Risk levels are updated monthly based
                     on the parameters of the MPP.
          PSEP       Assesses our high-risk suppliers, prioritised through the MPP, on their level  •  6 PSEP conducted
                     of compliance with our Sustainability Policy and other industry standards. We   in 2023
                     engage with our suppliers through desktop and field verification to facilitate
                     their compliance with our Sustainability and Sourcing Policy via various   •  In total, 59 mills
                     initiatives under our Anchor Programme. To ensure their compliance, we   have been
                     verified the information gathered based on a set of ESG related checklist via   engaged since
                     the PSEP programme.                                        2015

          CARE       As a solution to overcome challenges of travel restrictions during the  •  45 supplying mills
                     pandemic, we launched the CARE programme in 2020 as an extension to   engaged in 2023
                     PSEP to ensure continuous verification of supply chain effectively. Through
                     CARE, compliant information collected from suppliers will be assessed   •  178 supplier mills
                     remotely, to determine their compliant level and associated risks in the supply   have been
                     chain. Suppliers compliance level will be verified against Apical’s Sustainability   engaged
                     Policy, industry standards, and in fulfilment to NDPE IRF requirements.  via CARE since
          SVP        Apical has implemented SVP for our suppliers as a broad engagement  •  339 suppliers
                     approach. We provide capacity building to suppliers on a selection of topics   engaged through
                     that take into account regional issues specific to the location of suppliers. The   SVP and e-SVP
                     SVP covers the latest market trends and benefits of international certification   since 2016
                     schemes such as RSPO and ISCC.
                                                                              •  In 2023, we
                                                                                conducted 2 SVP
                                                                                workshops with
                                                                                89 attendees
          TOP        Apical has implemented TOP to provide knowledge and simplified solutions  377 active supplying
                     for the suppliers of our refineries on how to collect and manage the traceability  mills engaged
                     data of their FFB suppliers. This programme takes an “outside-in” approach  through TOP in 2023
                     where  suppliers  are  seen as  solution  providers  to  make  the industry  more
          New        Conduct spatial and non-spatial analysis to all potential supplier before  All suppliers
          Supplier   approval into our supply chain. This is to reduce the risks of any non-compliant  engaged upon entry
          Screening  supplier entering into Apical supply chain.              to supply chain

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