Page 54 - APICAL_SR2023
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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

         GRI 2-6, 204-1
         Apical operates as a midstream processor, exporter, and trader. We do not own any plantations or mills.
         Our primary raw materials include Crude Palm Oil (CPO), Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO) and Palm Kernel (PK),
         all of which are sourced from external mills. These raw materials are then processed in facilities owned by Apical.

           Our Supply Chain Profile in Indonesia
           378 CPO supplying mills     121 CPKO suppliers          166 PK suppliers
           •  Apical sources CPO from mills to process and produce palm oil products.
           •  Apical sources CPKO from kernel crushing plants to process and produce palm kernel oil products. CPKO is produced from the
            processing of palm kernel.
           •  The above figures only cover our facilities in Indonesia. External suppliers from our operations in China and Spain are excluded.
           •  Some of our direct CPO supplying mills also supply PK to Apical.
           100% of our procurement spend   16% and 3% of our procurement spend in our operations in Spain and
           for our Indonesian operations is   China are from local suppliers, respectively
           from local suppliers
           Local suppliers are defined as those based in the same region

           CPO and CPKO originates from the processing of FFB. FFB are sourced by mills from their own estate,
           third-party commercial estates, smallholder cooperatives and schemes, independent smallholders and
           dealers. Apical also sources CPO and CPKO from traders.

           8.81% of the total volume of CPO   4.07% of the total volume of CPKO sourced comes from traders
           sourced comes from traders

          TRACEABILITY OF OUR PALM OIL               Traceability to Mill
          GRI 3-3
                                                     Our suppliers primarily operate in the major provinces
          Achieving traceability within our supply chain is a   of Riau, North Sumatra, Jambi, Sulawesi, and
          crucial component of our sustainability commitment,   Kalimantan.  A  significant  93.91%  of  our  palm  oil  is
          especially given the complexity of the palm oil industry.   sourced directly from these mills, with the balance
          We engage closely with all our suppliers to ensure the   obtained through trading companies.
          traceability of our palm oil supply chain.

                                                                   Maintained 100%
                                                                traceability to supplying
                                                                    mills since 2015

          54  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                                                                                                                             APICAL GROUP  55
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