Page 49 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

                    Apical2030 Pillar:                          Apical2030 Pillar:
                    Climate Action                              Climate Action

          Summary of Relevant SDG Targets to Achieve by     Summary of Relevant SDG Targets to Achieve by
          2030 4                                     2030 4
          13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to   14.1 Prevent  and  significantly  reduce  marine
             climate-related hazards and natural disasters in   pollution, in particular from land-based activities,
             all countries.                              including marine debris and nutrient pollution,
          13.2 Integrate climate change measures into national   by 2025.
                                                     14.2 Sustainably manage  and  protect  marine  and
                                                         coastal ecosystems including strengthening
          Apical’s Initiatives
                                                         their resilience and acting on restoration to
          •   Partner  with  our  suppliers  to  protect  and/or
             conserve forest and peat areas.             achieve healthy and productive oceans, by 2020.
          •   Collaboration with external associations to stay   Apical’s Initiatives
             abreast  of  best  practices  and  development
             within palm oil production.             •   Manage  coastal  ecosystems  –  mangrove
                                                         planting and conservation.
          •   Expand  emission  reduction  activities  –  e.g.
             restoration, use of less carbon intensive energy   •   Establish  proper  guidance  on  wastewater
             sources and methane capture projects.       discharge in compliance with local regulations.
          •   Protecting  13,000  ha  of  forest  under  our  SLV
             programme in Aceh.                          For more information, please refer to the Climate Action
          •   Ongoing Scope 3 carbon emissions assessment,   Chapter, pages 72-78
             to identify and address emission hotspots.
          •   Explore  carbon  management  software  tool  to
             better measure, manage and report  Apical’s
             carbon emissions.

             For more information, please refer to the Climate Action
             Chapter, pages 72-78
          4   Target years are mainly 2030, unless stated otherwise

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