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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP


                    Apical2030 Pillar:                          Apical2030 Pillar:
                    Transformative Partnerships                 Transformative Partnerships

          Summary of Relevant SDG Targets to Achieve by     Summary of Relevant SDG Targets to Achieve by
          2030 4                                     2030 4
          15.2 Implement sustainable management of all   17.16  Enhance global partnership for sustainable
             forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded   development  that  mobilise  and  share
             forests  and  increase  afforestation  and    knowledge, expertise, technology and financial
             reforestation globally, by 2020.              resources, to support the achievement of the
                                                           sustainable development goals in all countries,
                                                           particularly developing countries.
          Apical’s Initiatives
                                                     17.17  Encourage and promote effective public,
          •   Continue  engagement  with  suppliers  through
                                                           public-private and civil society partnerships,
             our Anchor  programmes  and A-SIMPLE          building  on  the  experience  and  resourcing
             framework to ensure compliance with our NDPE   strategies of partnerships.
             commitments and protect HCS forest areas and
             HCV land.                               Apical’s Initiatives
          •   Improve  TTM  and  TTP  verification  of  our  mills   •  Implementation  of  a  database  system  to  assist
             using established Apical Traceability Verification   Apical in the management and monitoring of ESG
             Guidance created with Daemeter and Proforest.  data across the organisation.
                                                     •  Engage suppliers through the Anchor Programmes
          •   Tracking of grievance management of external   to ensure compliance, promote traceability and
             stakeholders on ESG issues within the supply   facilitate the adoption of more sustainable practices.
                                                     •  Collaborate  with  public  stakeholders  –  local
          •   Implementation  of  the  DFDD  framework  and   authorities  and  NGOs  to  support  Sustainable
             GIS monitoring of supply chain.           Development goals of Indonesia:
                                                       -  Yayasan Inisiatif Dagang Hijau (IDH);
                                                       -  Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari (YEL);
             For more information, please refer to the Transformative
             Partnerships Chapter, pages 51-71         -  Forum Konservassi Leuser (FKL);
                                                       -  Earthworm Foundation; and
                                                       -  Inovasi Digital – Earthqualizer.

                                                         For more information, please refer to the Transformative
                                                         Partnerships Chapter, pages 51-71
          4   Target years are mainly 2030, unless stated otherwise

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