Page 47 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

                                                     Apical’s Initiatives
                                                     •   Continue to uphold our Sustainability Policy to
                                                         provide decent work opportunities, respecting
                                                         human and labour rights and maintaining a
                                                         safe work environment.
                                                     •   Work closely with our suppliers through ongoing
                                                         Apical Anchor Programmes to ensure fair labour
                                                         practices are employed within our supply chain.
                                                     •   Launched  Apical  Group  Human  Rights  Policy
                                                         with action plans to conduct Human Rights
                    Apical2030 Pillar:
                                                         Impact  Assessment and develop a Human
                    Transformative Partnerships
                                                         Rights Due Diligence system.
                                                     •   Launch  of  SLV@Aceh  in  2023,  a  landscape
          Summary of Relevant SDG Targets to Achieve by     initiative  through  partnership  with  local
          2030 4                                         government and community to promote positive
          8.3  Promote  development-oriented  policies that   human-forest relationships and alternative
             support productive activities, decent job   livelihood in 6 villages.
             creation,  entrepreneurship,  creativity  and
             innovation, and encourage the formalisation
                                                         For more information, please refer to the Our Approach to
             and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized
                                                         Sustainability and Transformative Partnerships Chapters,
             enterprises, including through access to financial   pages 51-71
          8.7  Take immediate and effective measures to
             prohibit and eliminate the worst forms of child
             labour by 2025 including recruitment and use of
             child soldiers, eradicate forced labour.
          8.8  Protect labour  rights and promote safe and
             secure  working  environments  of all  workers,
             including migrant workers, particularly women

          4   Target years are mainly 2030, unless stated otherwise

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