Page 46 - APICAL_SR2023
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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP


           Apical2030 Pillar: Inclusive Progress

          Apical’s Initiatives
          •   Continuation   of   the   SMILE   programme
             launched in 2020, to help  independent oil
             palm smallholders in Indonesia to improve their
             livelihoods and obtain certification.
          •   Supported communities to establish sustainable
             livelihood communities through entrepreneurship
             opportunities under the CLEAN programme.
          •   Continuation of chilli growing and goat farming
             programmes as a food source and alternative
                                                                Apical2030 Pillar:
             livelihood to local communities.
                                                                Green Innovation
          •   To  combat  stunting,  we  empower  women  in
             communities like Cilincing, North Jakarta,
             to become health cadres. We partner with local   Summary of Relevant SDG Targets to Achieve by
             health centers to provide them with workshops on   2030 4
             maternal and child health, specifically focusing on   7.2  Substantially increase the share of renewable
             stunting prevention. Beyond training, we equip   energy in the global energy mix.
             them with the skills and resources to organise   7.3  Double the global rate of improvement in energy
             healthcare programs within their communities,   efficiency.
             reaching pregnant women and children most in
             need.                                   Apical’s Initiatives
                                                     •   Continue  to  increase  energy  consumption
                                                         from renewable sources. In 2023, 7% of energy
             For more information on our community and smallholder
             initiatives, please refer to Inclusive Progress Chapter,     consumed was from renewable and clean
             pages 99-113                                energy sources.
                                                     •   Installation  of  insulating  tanks  to  reduce  steam
                                                         consumption for heating.

                                                         For more information, please refer to our Green Innovation
                                                         Chapter, pages 79-93

          4   Target years are mainly 2030, unless stated otherwise

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