Page 74 - APICAL_SR2023
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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

         GHG EMISSIONS                               23% and 14% reduction in 2022 and 2023 respectively.
         GRI 305-1, 305-2, 305-4, 305-5              This means we have progressed well reaching the
                                                     half-way  mark  of  our  goal  to  reduce  50%  GHG
                                                     emission intensity in our production against 2020
                                                     baseline. However, we acknowledge that our emission
                                                     intensity in 2023 increased by 11% from 2022 due to
                         Apical2030 Target           the commissioning of new facilities. To date, Apical has
                                                     started utilising and increasing the consumption Palm
                       Reduce 50% GHG                kernel Shells (PKS) in our overall fuel consumed and
                                                     have achieved 88 GJ per month of energy generated
                      emission intensity in          from renewable source in SDO (Dumai) refinery.
                      our production against
                                                     Apical is still in the progress of assessing and procuring
                           2020 baseline
                                                     suitable technologies that will enable a proper
                                                     transition to utilising biomass and renewable sources
                                                     of energy.
          For Apical’s GHG emissions calculation, we adopted
          the operational control consolidation approach
          outlined in the ‘GHG Protocol Corporate Standards’.
          Gases included in the calculations are CO , CH  and
                                          2    4
          N O. Global Warming Potential rates utilised were
           2                                                         Apical2030 Target
          extracted from IPCC AR6 assessment report based
          on a 100-year timeframe. The main sources of our          Net-zero by 2050
          Scope 1 emissions are from stationary combustion,
          mobile combustion, refrigerant combustion, fugitive
          emissions and process emissions from wastewater
          treatment plants and other chemical reactions.
          Biogenic emissions were reported separately and
          not included under Scope 1. The sources of Scope
          2 emissions are consumption of electricity from the
          national grid. Some of the frameworks adopted in our
          calculations are: ISO 14064-1 and GHG Protocol. Data
          were  first  collected  directly  from  gas  and  electricity
          meter then logged into our proprietary Sustainability
          Impact Measurement System (SIMS) by the respective
          data owners. Our Green Innovation chapter outlines
          more details on SIMS.
          We have selected 2020 as our base year. We observe
          a positive reduction trend over the last three years for
          our Scope 1 and 2 emission intensity against 2020 with

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