Page 76 - APICAL_SR2023
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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

                The Indonesia PROPER programme (Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan dalam
                Pengelolaan  Lingkungan  Hidup),  was  launched  in  1995  with  support  from  the  World  Bank  and
                the United States. It aims to encourage environmental transparency and responsible practices
                across all industries by promoting public disclosure of companies’ environmental performance.
                PROPER incentivises compliance with existing regulations and motivates businesses to go beyond
                minimum requirements. This initiative, implemented by the Indonesia's Ministry of Environment
                and Forestry, aligns with our principles of good governance by fostering transparency, fairness,
                accountability and community involvement in environmental management. The programme
                assesses companies such as Apical based on two key criteria:

                  Compliance with regulations          Performance exceeding those requirements

                We’re thrilled to share that the following refineries have achieved the prestigious PROPER Blue*
                ranking in Indonesia’s PROPER programme:
                 •  SDO (M)               •  AAJ Tj Balai          •  KRN
                 •  PRC                   •  AAJ Marunda           •  SDS
                * Blue represents being in “Compliance”.

          Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
          Background      To  drive  continuous  improvement,  Apical  has  conducted  LCAs of our  products.
                          This will help us determine emission hotspots across the product lifecycle. By gaining
                          a comprehensive understanding of our environmental footprint, we can implement
                          targeted reduction strategies and also empower customers to make informed choices
                          aligned with their sustainability values.
                          Project 1 (RBDPKO)                 Project 2 (SAF)
          Product         Refined Bleached Deodorised Palm Kernel   SAF made from palm oil and palm oil
                          Oil (RSPO-certified and non-certified)  waste and residues.
          Start Date      January 2023                       April 2023
          End Date        March 2023                         November 2023
          System          Cradle-to-Gate                     Cradle-to-Grave
          Methodologies   ISO, GHG Protocol, European Commission

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