Page 80 - APICAL_SR2023
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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          We  ensure  all  our  waste  from  all  refineries  are   •  32%  improvement  in  Nitrogen  consumption
          disposed  to  legal  vendors  who  have  official  permits   (hydrogenation plant)
          from the government. The waste transported by legal   •  Achieved  51%  improvement  in  condensate  reuse
          vendors  can  be  monitored  to  their  final  destination.   (boiler feed)
          Apical monitors our waste disposal through the
          system to verify that the waste has arrived at its   An additional project  targeting steam consumption
          final  destination.  The  operations  in  Indonesia   reduction in the packed fat plant is slated for
          are required to send report of all environmental   completion in 2024.
          compliance data to the Ministry of Environmental and
          Forestry Republic of Indonesia and Environmental   Apical is constantly exploring innovative solutions to
          Agency of Jakarta Province with the SIMPEL and    maximise sustainability. A mini-hydro plant is under
          WASDAL portal.                             construction to harness clean energy from discharged
                                                     seawater that is used for cooling, with the potential to
          AAJ  Marunda  Kaizen  program  implemented  several   generate up to 2,260 MWh/a.
          successful  projects  in  2023  to  enhance  resource
          efficiency within the refinery. These initiatives focused   We are committed to reducing our operational impacts
          on reducing overall energy and material usage.   by managing our energy sources, water withdrawal
          Four projects have  already achieved their targeted   and consumption and waste generation via these
          reductions of:                             technologies. In addition to improving our own direct
                                                     operations,  we  also  work  with  our  suppliers  to  help
          •  18%  improvement  in  electricity  consumption   them adopt sustainable production practices.
           (powder fat processing)
          •  8%  improvement  of  steam  consumption  (refinery

          To achieve these ambitious goals, we intend to:

                                                       Recycle wastewater
           Repurpose waste as      Improve energy                            Developing circular
               boiler fuel        efficiency through                        products (ie. Biodiesel)
                                  measures such as
                                   insulating tanks

          Sustainability Impact Measurement System (SIMS)
          Challenges in Monitoring Sustainability Goals
          In a significant step forward for Green Innovation in 2022, we have developed and implemented a proprietary
          internal digital platform known as the SIMS. This innovative system streamlines our approach to sustainability
          by enabling the collection, consolidation and visualisation of critical data. SIMS empowers us to effectively
          monitor progress towards our Apical2030 targets and facilitates comprehensive reporting across various
          sustainability aspects.

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