Page 84 - APICAL_SR2023
P. 84

                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          We evaluate the possibility of water-related impacts as part of our environmental impact assessment prior to
          the development of our refineries. Going forward, we will continue to explore opportunities to reduce the water
          consumption intensity of our operations. As a result, we evaluated our water consumption in relation to the water
          stress of the area and minimised our water withdrawal from areas experiencing water stress.

                                      Water Withdrawal (ML) from 2020
                             2020              2021              2022               2023

                       All areas  Areas   All areas  Areas   All areas  Areas   All areas  Areas
                                  with              with              with              with
                                 water             water              water             water
                                 stress            stress             stress            stress
          Total water   3,426.9    0       9,965     51      15,100    36     15,388     35

          * 2022 Water Withdrawal figure is restatement

                                       Water Withdrawal by Source (ML)
                                        All Areas                   Areas with water stress
                                          2023                              2023
          Water withdrawal
          by source            Freshwater      Other water       Freshwater      Other water
                             (Total Dissolved   (Total Dissolved   (Total Dissolved   (Total Dissolved
                            Solids ≤1000mg/L)  Solids >1000mg/L)  Solids ≤1000mg/L)  Solids >1000mg/L)
          Surface water          1,039              0               35                0
          Groundwater            1,388              0                0                0

          Seawater                 0              11,458             0                0
          Produced Water           0                0                0                0
          Third-party Water      1,503              0                0                0
          Total                  3,930           11,458             35                0
          Compared to 2022       27%               -4%              -3%               –

          1.  Data covers our operations which include SDS, SDO (D), AAJ Marunda, SDO (M), AAJ Tj Balai, KRN, PRC, EF T, ACO and BOH
          2.  Our AAJ Tj Balai  refinery  in North  Sumatra,  Indonesia  draws  water  from  the  (river) which  has been  deemed  as  water-stressed
            due to it being shallow

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